Stole from
xelfishx ^___^
1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2) Have your f-list guess your favourite character/member from each item.
3) When someone guesses correctly, strike through the item and put the name of your favorite character next to it
1. Super Junior Kyuhyun
tehgirlwonder 2. DBSK Yoochun
tehgirlwonder 3. Child of Empire
4. FT ISLAND Seunghyun
xelfishx 5. BIG BANG TOP
tehgirlwonder 6. 3 Dads and 1 Mom
7. SS501
8. Inuyasha
9. SHINee Minho
tehgirlwonder 10. MBLAQ Joon
tehgirlwonder 11. IRIS
12. You're Beautiful Shinwoo
tehgirlwonder 13. House of Night Daimien
xelfishx 14. Graceling
15. Death Note L
tehgirlwonder 16. B2ST/BEAST Dongwoon
xelfishx 17. KATTUN Akanishi Jin
xelfishx 18. ARASHI
19. 2PM Taecyeon
tehgirlwonder 20. U-Kiss Kevin
tehgirlwonder *As you can see.. 8D most of them are bands... xDD I always fangirl. ~w~ it's a part of my life... kekeke now.. guess! x)
oh, and hehe, #3.. i don't know if too many people know them. They haven't debuted officially, but they had this little program-show going on for a while last month. *w* they're supposed to debut sometime this month. -cheers like mad- Hint: They're from the same entertainment as Jewerly and VOS.