Title: Onyx Papilio
Pairing: HyunMIn (Jonghyun/Taemin)
Summary: ----in the works ^__^U----
Rating: 15+
The room was a foggy gray in color with a single black chair placed in the center.
“Where am I?” My voice echoes and bounces off the walls.
Suddenly white mist blurs my vision, blinding me. Closing my eyes from the abruptness, I reopen them to see myself standing on top of water; it rippling with every movement I make.
A distant sound of wind chimes resounds around me. I face forward to see a black butterfly fluttering before me. It had a mysterious green light surrounding it, with intricate silver designs on its wings. Something about it immediately drew me to it, like a magnet. I felt like it was calling for me.
Without any hesitation I stretch my arm out in front me; fingers splayed to reach the lone butterfly. My chest thrums as an unknown excitement buzzes throughout my body as my hand gets closer to the exquisite papilio.
But just as I think the onyx beauty has landed on my finger, like cold water being splashed on my face, my feet slip and I fall through nothingness…
Eyes snap open to stare up at a white ceiling as the morning sunlight seeps through the curtains. Chest rising with each heavy breath, the body vibrates with unknown epinephrine. Letting out a long breath, a shaky hand runs a through the tangled bed hair.
“That dream again…”
Haha~ ^____^ Anyone miss me? I'm back~ hehe I'll post a rough summary of my trip later. (Not really in the mood to atm ^^U)
But if anything, my love for SHINee has gone through the roof. I’m so biased with Taemin right now it’s not even funny. /has his face as my cell phone charm/. SO~ without much hesitation, I decided to start my first SHINee fic ^^ I hope it turns out well hehe. The pairing took me the longest to come up with… I wanted Taemin to be the main character, but finding the pairing was hard @___@ but with much help from tehgirlwonder and whole bunch of Hyunmin videos, I was set xDD (although I was also wavering on 2Min too…)
So basically this story was thought of and planned while I was still in Korea. It was going to be another KyuMin, but I thought that SHINee needed a place in my LJ too xD
More will be revealed soon~ :3
Missed everyone xoxo ^^