[NOTICE] Mini-Hiatus

Nov 04, 2009 19:46

I will be on a semi-hiatus for 4 days at the most.

>____< I’m so sorry for the sudden notice, especially to my beloved LJ family and lovely readers. TT____TT School is suddenly being a total bitch, thus the reason of being MIA for the past couple of days this week.

I’m struggling with my AP Science class at the moment. The teacher is a total C.O.W. (>__> I could use more… elaborate, colorful words in describing her, but it’ll be a waste of my breath which I will not use to talk about such a meaningless person who cannot teach. /huffs. Really, I usually don’t diss people… so when I do D< I really mean it.) I have a unit final test this Friday, and studying for it is taking up most of my time @___@, I also have a math contest to write in a few days too. (Who in their right mind holds the contest at 7:45 in the freakin morning?!)

So, just to give people an idea on why I’m MIA and not active as I was ^______^. Bear with me, and I promise you, after all this is done, I’m going to take a refreshing nap, stuff myself with food and WRITE. *___* I’m in love with you Ch. 8 is almost finished (kinda), The Chosen & Betrayed Ch. 2 is on my desk to be edited (soon) and a new series is waiting patiently for me to write it out (OMG I’m so excited about it *__*).

/hugs to all.

LJ-Fam. (OMG @___@ I tried to list the names… and failed. How the hell did a simple family of 4 multiply to like… A LOT?) First thing I’m going to do after week is done, is to post my story(s) and then go on MSN to talk to you guys. ♡.

A 411 on my 911. (LOL I always wanted to say that. xD. I’m lame, so what, people still love me. Teehee.)


♡ Have a fantastic day. And I will soon be back in 4 days. ^w^.

(@___@ Science here I come. Wish me luck! ^_________^)

meaningful(?), notice

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