rah rah, ah ah ah~

Dec 12, 2009 00:38


my hair is different every time i wake up
(the first one is from this week, the second from may and the last from like...last nov/dec)

my name is dani-may but mostly i go by may online (and if you know me in person it's dani! bam!) i live in canada and like to sleep and draw and play duel monsters. it's funny cause i used to love the show and play the game when 4kids was still doing the first season and then i realized how ridiculous it was (and how expensive cards were. c'mon now, i was only like 7 and my parents were really cheap!) but recently i've been getting back into it and becoming less sucky!! i was inspired partly by my friend and partly by the abridged series. really, i get all my ygo knowledge (and laughs) from that show. buuut i'm slowly starting to watch subbed episodes now! but i digress

anyway i live in a crappy city way up north and work for mcdonalds (lame) i'm studying to become a makeup artist when i graduate and i hope to move to a bigger city (i love concerts and none ever come near me so that's partly what is compelling me) i love photography as well, and i'm huge on drawing. all i do is draw draw draw and then i piss and moan at everything else :|

1. What's your name or/and nickname (either RL or Internet, or both)? may
2. Yourself in 3 words? i'm terribly sarcastic
3. Personality? pretty quiet on my own and obnoxious with my friends. i'm very unmotivated haha, and lazy. i'd stay in bed for the rest of my life if i could. i mean, i'd get up and go to the bathroom and stuff but mostly stay in bed
4. Strengths? creative, loyal, pretty smart (if i do say so myself)
5. Weaknesses? lazy, i have a shitty attitude and it doesn't take much for me to dislike a person. i think about really bad things happening at any given time and then i get so scared i crap my pants at everything. and i'm easily frustrated which leads to raging. or crying.

More about YOU

6. Likes? drawing! makeup! batman! lady gaga! stuff!
7. Dislikes? being told what to do, people who don't like the jonas brothers, repetition, rude people (haha that's hypocritical), people who update their facebook statuses CONSTANTLY
8. Hobbies? drawing, cutting pictures out of magazines, planning world domination and then losing the blueprints
9. Talents? .....drawing, making badass comebacks, not doing what i'm asked, doing makeup
10. Goals? pretty much graduate on time and then land my dream job. and meet all my heros

This or that?

11. Mature or immature? mature, but you have to be able to not take life super seriously
12. Leader or follower? i'm a critical follower; i nitpick the leader's actions haha
13. Calm, normal, or hyper? normal
14. Optimistic or pessimistic? i'm a bit of both i guess. i'd like to be more of the former though
15. Social or shy? i'm reeaally shy
16. Speaker or listener? listener for sure
17. Business or fun? who says you can't have both!

1. Favorite character(s)? all the typical ones like yuugi and yami. and jounouchi aaaand seto and that's it really
2. Least favorite character(s)? probably just mai, and marik. oh and rex and weevil! and bakura. I DON'T KNOW WHY HIS HAIR JUST MAKES ME MAD *ducks*
3. Favorite pairing(s)? jou/seto, yuugi/jou, yami/yuugi

4. Are you re-applying? no!
5. Do you have a preference as to what gender of character you want to be rated as? it doesn't really matter but i don't particularly like any of the female characters so i'd prefer to avoid them unless it's like OMGUNCANNY
6. Are there any characters, for whatever reason, that you do NOT want to be rated as? just the characters i dislike. because they suck :<

Links to three applications you have voted on

Characters (for voters)
Vivian :: Solomon :: Seigfried :: Rex :: Odion :: Mako :: Mahado :: Kisara :: Bobasa :: Weevil :: Mana :: Leon :: Ishizu :: Bandit Keith :: Ryou Bakura :: Mokuba :: Tristan :: Yami Marik :: Varon :: Raphael :: Pegasus :: Dartz :: Amelda :: Yami Yugi :: Mai Valentine :: Serenity :: Rebecca :: Noa Kaiba ::Duke :: Yugi :: Yami Bakura :: Tea :: Seto Kaiba :: Marik :: Joey Wheeler
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