Apr 13, 2008 09:32

You are your own worst enemy...

1. How old are you? 18.

2. How old do you feel? Elaborate. The same. It's my age, and although I may be more mature than some of the people I see at 18, the age is still just a number. I'm still 18, and I'm reminded every time I buy an 18 and over doujinshi.
3. On a black and white scale of good and evil, what do you consider to be your best / most heroic trait? Heroic? Ha. I don't think of myself as a "heroic" person. But I suppose my dependability towards people close to me. I hate letting my close friends and family people down.

4. Your worst / most evil trait? I'm quite smug and sometimes see myself as over certain groups of people, or sometimes assure myself that I'm better than the general population. If I don't, I get down on myself, and I hate the feeling of inferiority. Anyway, it doesn't help that my co-workers think I'm right and say that "I'm better than them".
5. Can you trust?

Only after knowing the person for a long while, and even then I'm on my guard and make sure what they say is logical and believable.
6. Can you be trusted? Yes, unless I'm being sarcastic, then it's hard to tell (for some people) if I'm telling the truth or just messing with you. :D
7. In your past life you were probably... JESUS The same way I am now, only obsessed with comic books or something of that nerdiness.
8. Which would you want: freedom, beauty, truth, or love? Truth. I like to know things, and I want the truth.
9. Would you want a rat, snake, or crow? A crow. I like birds, and have had a lovebird before, but he passed away at age eighteen.
10. Which Millennium Item do you personally find the least useful/interesting? Maybe the Tauk. Sure, it's nice to know the future, but you can't do anything about it. It's just a sneak peek.

Gold to the eye, insane to the head

11. Assuming you were given a Millennium Item, what would you do? Keep it? Get rid of it? Guard it? Use it for good? Evil? Nothing at all? I'd keep it and guard it. I might use it if I knew fully well of what it did, as I don't want any mistakes happening that I might regret later.
12. How do you react to the o t h e r voice in your head and how do you cope with it? I tell it that I'm in control, not it. GET OUTTT
13. How do you react if the other voice were to take physical form? I'd be a little spooked, I'd have to admit...but I'd ask what it wanted and why it suddenly took on physical form. I'd rather not have any conflict, here...
14. What would your theme song be when you get out/use your Millennium Item? Uhhh. Dunno. Something orchestral with violins, and it would sound cool and powerful, fufufu.
15. Do you sometimes find yourself in random places, wondering how you got there, why there's a knife in your hand and where the hell all those dead bodies come from? Yeah, sometimes.
16. Could you imagine yourself taking part in a shadow game? Voluntarily? For which cause? Yeah, for my own cause, or someone else's that I so kindly volunteered to help (but I'm not really one for causes, myself).
17. What would you do if you found yourself stuck in an elavator with a crazy Millennium Item user? Try to talk them out of killing me or going psychotic inside an elevator. Hell, there could be other people on board, and I don't want any trouble.
18. What super power do you want that isn't a power of a Millennium Item?

The power to stop time. No item can stop time, right?19. Yami!You versus Hikari!You - who wins and why? No one wins because YUUGIOU IS A TV SHOW THAT ALLOWS THE IMPOSSIBLE TO BECOME POSSIBLE AT RANDOM YET CONVENIENT SITUATIONS.
20. If you had to invent another Millennium Item for a spin-off, what would it be and how would it work? It'd be the Millenium Pencil and you could draw ANYTHING and it'd come to life and be your minion.

The art of pain

How do you cope with...

21. ...hatred? Sometimes I say it aloud, sometimes I keep it to myself.

22. ...fear? I try not to let it show on my face, but with things like spiders and bees, it's easy to tell I'm scared.

23. ...defeat? It would bother me, sure, but I have to remember to pick myself up again and move on.

24. ...loneliness? I'm lonely often, so I try not to let it bother me...sometimes I talk to people over the internet or hang around my family when I need someone.

25. ...loss? I hate putting my burdens on other people, so I'd probably try to hide my sadness, but ultimately tell someone I know and trust.

26. ...sadness? I'd try to appear like there's nothing wrong.

27. ...pain? I let my body rest and take pain pills.

28. ...being out of your favorite drink on a Sunday morning? I don't usually drink much on Sunday mornings, so it doesn't matter.

Seven deadly sins scratching up your body

How do you think each of the seven deadly sins is reflected within you? [Answer below]
29. Lust: Not much.
20. Gluttony: I get annoyed when someone eats my food, but other than that I'm not much of a glutton.
31. Greed: This one I can relate to. I'm always looking forward to the next trading figure, the next cosplay...it'll never be enough.
32. Sloth: I'm a lazy person when I can be, and like to sleep often when I'm at home.
33. Wrath: I can get angry at people who don't see the way I do, but I hate being angry and don't usually have a hot temper..
34. Envy: I envy others at times, whether it be relationships or material gain.
35. Pride: In have a strong sense of pride and like others to see what I have done and compliment on it.

Extras for the greedy

36. Your starsign?

Aries sun, Taurus moon, Leo rising.37. Does it suit you? Why? Why not? No it does not. In some ways, maybe, but overall no. I'm more of a Virgo-Leo hybrid.
38. To manipulate or to be manipulated?

Manipulate.39. To use or to be used? Use.

40. Do you live in the past, present or future? Present.

41. Do the ends really justify the means? Sometimes, but not always.

42. Do you place your faith in yourself, your loved ones or fate?
Myself and my loved ones.

43. Do you believe in fate anyway? Eh, only as far as my religion goes, but I like to think I have power over my life and hate the feeling of being guided by some unknown force the entire time.

44. Your opinion on the death penalty? It's definitely needed in some cases.

45. If you were to rule the world, how would you do it? (e.g. dictatorship, democracy,...) Maybe a dictatorship, actually. Democracy is too complex, with all those opinions needing a say and all.
46. Can you relate to this pic? Um...no?

Items (for voters): Puzzle :: Ring :: Tauk/necklace:: Key :: Eye :: Scale :: Rod

sennen eye

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