STOP! Give me at least 3 links of other surveys you voted for here (unless basically everyone's stamped, of course). If you’re re-applying, tell who you got last time, and tell us why you are. Only 2 left >D I wish I can vote more, but there's nothing left!!)
1. What's your name or/and nickname (either RL or Internet, or both)? Ralph.
2. Yourself in 3 words? Egoistical and amoral >D
3. Personality? I always resulted as ESTP in those personality test and I don't even know the theory, since I'm not much a theoretical person! In fact, I prefer action rather than theory, and theories are always boring to me! Anyway back to my personality type (ESTP), it says that I'm a good promoter and a true doer - yea, I live for chaos, you know. No chaos, then no life >D
4. Strengths? Value friendship very much, humorous, positive thinking, brave in everything, open to all new things, good with words, etc.
5. Weaknesses? Too much talking and *almost* no listening, easily bored, have problems with commitments/authority figures, less polite, real troublemaker, chaotic, egoistical, always have to win, vengeful, resistant, etc.
More about YOU
6. Likes? Alice, my baseball bat, talking to my friends, chaos EVERYWHERE!!, being a night owl, freedom, always moving not sitting still too long, gaming until night, hitting people, eating-drinking-sleeping, people who have a really really great sense of humor, activities, sports, breaking the rules, etc.
7. Dislikes? Sitting still for any length of time, intellectuals, books, schools, have to follow the rules, long and boring speech, people who can't just let something flow, news in the newspaper, nerds, tradition, being a hikkikomori, being stuck in a long and boring commitments, etc.
8. Hobbies? Playing baseball with my friends, playing pranks, talking to my friends, gaming until night, waking up in the late night - I mean, being a night owl is so much fun!!
9. Talents? Making chaos everywhere I go, and persuading people to do so heheheee >D
10. Goals? ...Bah, to be honest, I don't really have any specific goals, except to have partner-in-crime as many as I can so we can delete those unnecessary rules everywhere we go!!
This or that?
11. Mature or immature? 200% immature, to be honest.
12. Leader or follower? I prefer leading because I really, really HATE being in control, but usually I'm most known as a bad influencing-leader!
13. Calm, normal, or hyper? Very hyper to the point of amorality - well, I mean I'm hyper in a more "darker" way.
14. Optimistic or pessimistic? Always optimistic!
15. Social or shy? Social, to the point of shameless.
16. Speaker or listener? Speaker. I have trouble listening. To me, no speaking = BORING.
17. Business or fun? Business. I have to stick on my works.
18. Least favorite character? Well...No one, really. Since I like this show so much!
19. Favorite pairing? Joey/Mai!! and Seto/Kisara too!
20. Err-m, anything else? No!! Hahaha!!
Characters (for voters)
Vivian :: Solomon :: Seigfried :: Rex :: Odion :: Mako :: Mahado :: Kisara :: Bobasa :: Weevil :: Mana :: Leon :: Ishizu :: Bandit Keith :: Ryou Bakura :: Mokuba :: Tristan :: Yami Marik :: Varon :: Raphael :: Pegasus :: Dartz :: Amelda :: Yami Yugi :: Mai Valentine :: Serenity :: Rebecca :: Noa Kaiba ::Duke :: Yugi :: Yami Bakura :: Tea :: Seto Kaiba :: Marik :: Joey Wheeler