My first fic

Jun 12, 2007 00:16

So today I was struck with a bit of inspiration an decided to give it a go and attempt to write a fic.
It's not long enough to even attempt to submit it to CM so I will post it here instead.
It's kind of cheesy and probably full of grammatical errors but what the heck.

It's moments like this that stay burned in your memory. Moments when your anguish and feelings of uselessness are so intense they make you want to run away. And yet, here you are, staying put, standing still, not daring to take your eyes away from the figure lying in front of you, inspecting every detail of her face.

By now those features should be familiar to you, having for years stolen glances at her when she was not looking. From time to time you'd be so lost in your thoughts, that when she turned to look your way, you would barely have enough time to divert your eyes somewhere else. You were always glad she didn't seem to realize what you where doing. But a small part of you, an always growing part of you, wished that she would catch you staring at her. She would certainly force you to explain yourself and would most likely succeed... she’s always had a way of getting what she wants out of you. But having to admit your feelings for her would not have been so bad after all. It would have saved both of you a lot of trouble and given you much more time together. Time, which could have very easily ended today.

That's when you finally take your eyes away from her still figure and look through the opened window at the darkness outside. You hate this war. You hate not being able to enjoy a quiet afternoon walking around Hogsmade with your girlfriend, taking her to a Quidditch game, accompanying her to buy the latest edition of Hogwarts a History (you've long since given up trying to understand her obsession with that book). You hate not being able to sit by the lake on your senior year at Hogwarts and kiss her with all your might, breaking the rules and not caring who sees you. You hate that every day more and more of your friends die victims of a mad man's quest for power and immortality.

The hardest part is not letting hate consume you. Otherwise you wouldn't be any better than the people, no, the monsters that you are fighting. That is why moments like this are so important. Moments, when just by looking at her, you find peace of mind. You find a reason to fight. You find a reason to win.

You turn you eyes once again towards her and run one of your hands trough her hair. You find dry blood. A reminder of how easily everything that is dear to you could be lost.

She does not deserve this. She should be going mental over all the NEWTs she’s supposed to be taking, wishing they hadn't broken all the time turners in the Department of Mysteries during their fifth year. She should be deciding what career to follow after she graduates from Hogwarts. A healer, an Auror, a Ministry official.... She could be anything she wants. She is that brilliant.

You run the back of one of your fingers over the side of her face and finally over her lips. They are dry and broken and as tempting as ever. You lean over and brush your lips against hers, fighting over your desire to deepen the kiss for fear of waking her up. As you slowly back away from her, she stirs, and you could almost swear you hear her whisper your name.

You look out the window and see the first signs of dawn. You are ready to take on whatever the day troughs at you. You know you will win this war. You have the most powerful magic with you. You feel it rushing trough your veins, providing you with a feeling of warmth and comfort. This power feeds from the love that fills you. The love you have for your family, the love you have for the friend that is faithfully waiting outside the door, giving his two best friends a few moments of privacy. But most of all, it feeds and grows from your love for Hermione.

Yes, you cannot, you will not be beaten. You will prevail over the evil that stalks you. You can't wait for the new day to arrive, for you know the end is near. You will succeed.

You look out the window once again and see the sun rising over the horizon. You wish it to hurry for you know that at dawn it ends. You know that at dawn you will be victorious.

I expect all of you to be brutally honest with your comments.
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