Good Charlotte Makes Me Want To Dance Naked

Feb 18, 2005 15:52

Age: 23
Name: Saskia

Interests: music, politics, pubbing and clubbing, dancing, medical stuff, music, touring with bands, beer, booze, guys.. did i mentioned music?
Reason(s) Why You Like Good Charlotte: dunno, just happened... their music's ok and pulled me through a shitey period..
Other Bands You Love: a lot... (bad manners bim skala bim boter ska en eieren de hardheid desmond dekker dill brothers don drummond dr. ringding goldfinger hepcat iedereen zóôò jotje jammah tammah jaya the cat judge dread king django lauret aitken lee perry less than jake let’s go bowling liberator liquidator madness mark foggo operation ivy p.a.i.n. prince buster reel big fish roland alphonso rude rich skabadivers skankin’ pickle ska-p skatalites skinnerbox suicide machines the beat the busters the david hillyard rocksteady 7 the gadjits the mighty mighty bosstones the paragons the pietasters the selecter the skalatones the slackers the specials the toasters the upbeat tokyo ska paradise orchestra toots & the maytals voodoo glow skulls 4 ft fingers agent orange agnostic front allister angelic upstarts antidote anti-pasti bakfietsboys beans betercore beyond lickin’ bikini kill blink 182 blitz bombshell rocks bouncing souls buzzcocks cock sparrer cockney rejects dandruff dead kennedys descendents discharge discipline distillers fastfoodboys f-minus g.b.h. gewapend beton gieser wildemannen good old habit greenday guttermouth heros & zeros hi-standard horrorpops huig human alert iggy pop jabberwocky lars frederiksen & the bastards leftover crack lower class brats mihoen! milkman misfits mr. potatohead n.r.a. nekromantix no means no no use for a name oi polloi oxymoron peter & the test tube babies propagandhi ramones rancid roger miret & the disasters seein’ red sham 69 shikari sick of it all social distortion stiff little fingers striknien subhumans the business the casualties the damned the exploited the queers the stranglers the toy dolls the vibrators throw rag thug murder total chaos u.k. subs u.s. bombs uit de sloot vitamin x voice of a generation zork blood or whiskey dropkick murphys flogging molly neck real mckenzies the pogues the pubrawlers the sods audio bullys l.f.o. lou chano manu chao obnoxious PiK NiK TeKno roni size the streets vosasound z.m.k. ;) there u go!
How Many Times You've Seen Good Charlotte Live: 0, gonna see them next month
What You Like Most About Yourself: everything :) except for my swining moods sometimes

What Was Joel's Movie Debut? Joel does LA
Which Instrument Did Paul Play First? Tin Whistle
What Are Joel and Benji's Nicknames? Twins
What Is The Bonus Track On "Good Charlotte"? Another song
What Album(s) Did Chris Drum For? Some GC Albums?
Paste links to three places you promoted banners:
Who Is the Youngest Member Of Good Charlotte? Billy?
Why Does Benji Claim To Wear A Bandana Around His Face? Bad Breath
How Many Of Good Charlotte's Albums Have Two Versions? erm...1?
Which Member Of Good Charlotte Has A Special Hug? the dog! what's his name again? DollarDog?
Who Sings On 'Gravity Girl'? It must be that young lad billy again!
When was Colin drummer? erm... never...
What Promise Did Benji Make Record Labels In Hopes Of Getting Signed? natural payment

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