Age: 17
Name: Sarah
Interests: food, Benj's man boobies, japanese and egyption mythology, comics, manga, edward gorey, drawing, ETC
Reason(s) Why You Like Good Charlotte: They make good music
Other Bands You Love: Green Day, Switchblade Symphony, Dead can dance, my ruin,jack off jill, scarling, hi hi puffy ami yumi, anamazi tsukiku, the birthday massacre, the beatles
How Many Times You've Seen Good Charlotte Live: three or four
What You Like Most About Yourself: I don't wear "rose-tinted glasses" that a lot of people do.
What Was Joel's Movie Debut? Not another teen movie
Which Instrument Did Paul Play First? Guitar
What Are Joel and Benji's Nicknames? sick boy and kid vicious? Um...They haven't used those nicknames in years.
What Is The Bonus Track On "Good Charlotte"? 'Thankyou mom'
What Album(s) Did Chris Drum For? The Chronicles of life and death
Paste links to three places you promoted banners:
Here Here And
hereWho Is the Youngest Member Of Good Charlotte? Billy
Why Does Benji Claim To Wear A Bandana Around His Face? I don't know, but it's probably got to do with the fact that he has self-loathing issues and he kinda has a double chin and stuff. Either that or it has to do with him being stupid and thinking he ghetto, I went to a ghetto school. All the kids who were in gangs did that shit.
How Many Of Good Charlotte's Albums Have Two Versions? Two
Which Member Of Good Charlotte Has A Special Hug? Paul...apparently
Who Sings On 'Gravity Girl'? Billiam Dean Martini (Sorry, that's what I refer to him as)
When was Colin drummer? who the fuck is Colin
What Promise Did Benji Make Record Labels In Hopes Of Getting Signed? you can sign us for less? I have no idea...