misura recommended I check out your LJ, and having looked at your Interests we certainly seem to have some things in common. The things that light up as common interests are anime, Anita Blake, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, manga, and vampires. We have other things in common I just haven't put on my interests lists, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Tim Burton are some other mutual interests. I should say though, given that you're clearly a big yaoi fan, I'm not. I don't hate it. I took a "What Kind of Yaoi Fan are You" quiz, and only tested out as the Non-Yaoi fan. There was an Anti-Yaoi fan possibility. If you won't mind a Non-Yaoi fan lurking around I'd like to lurk. :)
Cool! Sure, I'll add you back. I warn you I do lots of fandomtalk and go off about weird things once in a while... But that's what keeps life interesting! I have a few other non-yaoi friends on here, so you won't be alone. ;) Just be warned that I have been known to slash everything and anything under the sun, and sometimes it gets quite weird.
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