With Great Power Comes Great Big Bottles of Fail-enol

Feb 26, 2009 09:15

Words cannot describe how much I hate my Wednesday night gaming group.

Ally and Chris are great. They really get the concept of the game I'm trying to run and, despite the others' best efforts, are trying to be real superheroes.

Then there are the others. Firstly, one "player" in our group just sits there, making snide comments on the characters (PC and NPC), the setting, and basically anything else he sees fit to rag on. He has no character himself, and has taken the role of "peanut gallery."

Another one seems a little bit overpowered... okay, a lot overpowered, but I could never prove it; he's using an obscure optional rule that renders his character sheet undecipherable to any but himself. He has spent points on completely redundant extras ("I have a Strike of 10 with twenty ranks of Penetrating on it" "...your strike is double penetrating? Why?" "::shrug and laugh::") His character feels it's necessary to hide every aspect of himself from anyone, and that "his responsibilities at the university" outweigh the fate of an energy absorbing madman that only he can seem to hurt.

Our final culprit is completely backwards. His first character concept: "I want to play a French travelling clown with the ability to sense what it is you are most afraid of and then turn into it." After three hours of negotiation and rejiggering, we convinced him to drop the clown part. Don't get me wrong, I like his character now... for the most part (shape-changing, emotion controlling superspy). That is, until, when asked about who he is, where he came from, etc., he responded, "I don't know. My memory of my life before Mother (his organization) has been erased. I can't even remember if I'm male or female."

I think the breaking point for me was last night, when the two aforementioned characters... gave the other PCs their BUSINESS CARDS.

Yeah, we are the worst fucking superheroes ever. I'm giving some serious thought to pulling the plug. Leaving the group altogether. Let them jerk off with all the gender-confused characters and anime rip-offs they want. Oh, and I really appreciate you guys playing your MMOs during the game.

"All you mother fuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers!"
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