For A Facility
If there was a life-or-death match between Sasha Nein and a great white shark, and the shark could tell the future, and Sasha was blindfolded, who do you think would win?
Name: Sasha Nein
Fandom: Psychonauts
Timeline: After sending Raz into the Braintumbler Experiment
Age: Late 20’s-Early 30’s
Appearance: Sasha is tall and a bit on the thin side. He has pale skin and very short black hair, his eyes are of an unknown color due to him always wearing amber-colored shades. He is seen in black slacks, a black jacket and gloves with an amber and brown turtleneck shirt.
Abilities: Sasha is a psychic, a very powerful one none the less. Instead of being able to just bend a spoon like we ’ooh’ and ’aww’ at, he can blow stuff up with his mind. That’s right, mind bullets.
Telekinesis: Can move objects with his mind.
Levitation: He can use this ability to levitate himself, also
Invisibility: I think the name says it all.
Pyrokinesis: The ability to set things and people on fire. With his mind.
Clairvoyance: Allows him to see through someone else’s (or something’s) eyes.
Shield: At level one, it can protect himself from damage, at level two he can uses it offensively against melee attacks and send the attack right back at the one who did it. At level three, the melee will be thrown back and damage the one who sent it at him.
Confusion: AKA Sensory Scramble. With this ability he can stun enemies or even make them attack themselves or others.
Energy projection: His mind bullets, he takes his rage and uses it to fire lasers. Something he is an expert at.
Telepathy: He can read people’s minds and communicate via it.
Can use a Psycho-Portal to enter your mind.
Please note, this is the very least he can do due to the fact the Main character (who is only a Psi-Cadet) can do it. He most likely has more abilities under his belt that he doesn't show off.
Personality: He has a controlled personality, not one to easily panic or go off guard. He looks at things through logic. He sets his priorities and follows through with them not letting other things get into the way. Sasha has a very mathematical mind and will think too much on something (almost as if he is in his own little world.) He is often seen down in his lab working on expanding his knowledge. He cares little for the fame being a top-class Psychonaut had brought him, and in fact doesn’t even seem to notice that people idolize him.
His mind is portrayed as a black-gray-white cube in which he keeps things hidden away and controlled. But he will even admit it isn’t good to be 100 percent controlled all the time (his mind has often been related to ‘Obsession’ in fact that many figments of his imagination are of cockroaches and cleaning items. While the others seem to relate to his childhood.)
History: Sasha was born in Germany as the son of a shoemaker. His mother was a sweet woman who loved her son very much but grew sick and died when he was young. His father fell into a depression leaving Sasha with many questions about just who his mother was. When Sasha was in his tweens he decided to ask his father about her and alas was brushed off about it. So, he used his psychic ability to delve into his mind. He saw that his father thought of Sasha’s mother as a wonderful woman and is surely in Heaven. But, Sasha delved a bit too deeply and saw that his father did see his mom as a sexual figure and quite truthfully that freaked Sasha out so he promptly ran away from home. Once he was out on the streets he got a job working at a lamp-factory making Tiffany styled lamps and had a miserable time doing so (to this day he has an extreme hatred for the lamps considering them ’So ugly that they must die’ and that when one is destroyed the world is a better place. In his mind, the Lamp Factory is seen as a Metropolis-style building with fire shooting out of it.)
He eventually left the Factory and got a job as a ’Psychonaut’ a secret-agent for Psychic affairs that fight the bad guys in their own minds. He was partnered up with Milla Vodello- The Mental Minx- and a specalist in levitation. Together they became the stuff of Psychonaut legend (all the little spoon benders want to grow up to be them) and eventually they became camp counselors down at ‘Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp’. During summer orentation one day, the hero of the game (Raz) snuck into camp and interested Sasha intensely (wanting to perform experiments on him and help him with his growth as a psychic. He sees Rasputin as a short version of himself.) and thus once Raz passed ’basic braining’ he told Raz to meet him in his lab and put him into the ’Brain Tumbler’. But, the young Psycho-Cadet needed various tools and he sent Raz to get the things needed (such as Marksmanship-Training permission and an Oarsman’s badge to learn to levitate ) but right after he sent Raz in for the last time, he would be brought here.
NOTE: For the RP everything is nerfed to 50 percent. Also, everything he can do requires mun permission.