When the Sox get robbed of a 3 run home run in the first inning because 4 umpires are too damn blind to see when a ball is *CLEARLY* above the red line on the Green Monster.
Balls don't bounce UP when they hit the side of the wall assholes. Physics an me hate you.
All the nights of 4-hours of sleep finally decided to catch up with me. Started feeling stuffy yesterday. Sprouted into full head cold today. Gonna OD on vitamin C and sleep the next day and hope it goes away.
It's not the stuffy I mind so much -- it's the pounding headache that comes with it :(
Picked up an Odwalla Strawberry C Monster on my way to class this morning, dump it into my water bottle full of ice and sprite -- take one sip and OMG... gross. The expiration date on the bottle says June 23.
Assholes. Check your damn refrigerator. Seriously yucky. Bastards better not give me shit about a refund.
Going through my costume box and realized I don't have my cow suit. Pretty sure I must have loaned it to someone and forgot to get it back. Anyone have my cow suit?