Mini post to say two very important things:
1. If I Had You - Adam Lambert's new single - now has a video.
It will trip your vertigo like whoa, and there's so many cameos, it's sick, and there's these silver, glittery boots that Adam has way too much fun with, but it's seriously awesome and a blast to watch (provided you're not prone to epileptic seizures when exposed to strobe lights).
BUT, if nothing else, watch the last, like, five seconds. Seriously. That look. Holy mother of fudge making gnomes who dress like penguins and do singing candy grams. That look. UNF. If ever there was a time to envy the crap out of Kris Allen, now would so be it, omfg. I mean, what? Uhm, yeah, the video. Anyway.
I've embedded it, but if you're scorned, the link is HERE:
Adam Lambert : If I Had You VH1 TV Shows |
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AND The Second Thing::
I am so frickin' DONE being attacked by frickin' spiders and long, yucky, unidentifiable black bugs!! Seriously, DONE, people. ugh. One even had my Dad (the resident Spider Killer- dude, I'm pretty good about it, but some of these are mutants, I swear) saying several times "Whoa, that's a pretty big one, isn't it?" and "I think they're getting bigger." Which, yeah, they're getting bigger! And they're all in MY ROOM! Frickin'-A!!
So, yeah, that's about it. Thanks & have a lovely day. ;)