
Jan 10, 2006 06:22

-People who can't kiss... I mean... If I wanted the side of my face eaten and covered with saliva, I would have asked my puppy for a kiss. And what the hell is with the too much tongue?! I mean... Are they trying to make like one of those hippo birds and clean your mouth for you?!

-People who can't take no for an answer. This kid Matt that I know... He's asked me out so many fucking times, I lost track... and Brian... OH... MY... GOD... This kid asked me to prom 70 million times, I told him no 70 million times. My friends told him no 70 million times. He still showed up at my house on prom night and was part of what ruined my senior prom.

-People who force their beliefs on you. Whether you like it or not, not everyone will agree with you, and beating them over the head with your theories and beliefs is not the way to convert them. If someone tells you that they don't agree with you, then shut the hell up.

-People who bump into you really really hard, then yell at you like it was your fault. It's like "Oh, I'm sorry that you didn't watch where you were going! I'll be sure to watch for that next time!"

-People who don't know how to apologize when they are obviously in the wrong. If you've upset someone to the point where they're bawling their eyes out, and you still don't apologize, there's something wrong with you. Seek help now.

-People who like someone you like only after they find out you like them, and then claim that they liked that person all along, but weren't really that interested in them. It's like... So, you waited until after you found out one of your best friends liked them just to prove you're better than he/she is? Well then you're a stupid bitch/asshole!

-People who make fun of something that someone does because their jealous. "You know how to build your own super computer?! You're such a loser!" ... "Can you build your own computer?" ... "Shut up! You're such a geek!"

-People who make fun of someone just because they aren't one of those perfect beautiful people. If you've got a problem with the way someone looks, either help them change if they want to, or leave them the fuck alone. Get over yourself, you're probably not even that attractive anyway.

-Hypocrites. Enough said.

-Child molesters and rapist. I think that every male child molester and rapist should be taken to a little shack in the middle of nowhere, have their dicks nailed to a table, and then get handed a dull knife. Someone should then proceed to light the place on fire, and walk away saying "It's your choice..." and leave it at that. As for female child molesters and rapists, well, I haven't worked out a punishment for them yet, if you know one, let me know.

-Getting dragged into stupid teen aged drama bullshit. I am so sick of having to go tell so and so that such and such is mad at them, and such and such will stay mad at so and so until so and so admits that emo is better than screamo. People like that need to get the fuck over themselves and grow up, post haste.

-Just plain drama in general. If it doesn't directly deal with me, leave me out of it. I'm also really sick of being stuck in between friends who are fighting. They both expect me to stop being friends with the other. Guess what, my lovelies? I won't do that. If any more of my friends get into fights like that and expect me to drop the other, then I'm just going to say fuck both of you. So yeah, keep that in mind.

-People who say that they're ugly when they're not. When you are the only person who says you're ugly, chances are, you aren't. Now, me? I've been told for years that I'm one ugly ass bitch. It wasn't until I met most of you that I was even told I was cute, but someone other than a family member. Hell, even my family thinks I'm atrocious. So when I say I'm ugly, I'm just agreeing with the masses.

-People who are a size 10 or under saying that they're fat. Fuck you... I'm a fucking size 16-18. I'd love to be a size 10 or under. You're... not... fat... You're only saying you're fat because you want people to tell you you aren't. If I hear one more of my skinny ass friends saying they're fat, I'm just going to walk away and not talk to you every subsequent time you say it.

-People who are a size 20 or over wearing clothes like they were a size 10 or under. I mean, I know I'm fat, but you don't see me parading around in belly shirts and tube tops. I pretty much keep my body covered. I wear skirts, but they're tasteful.

-(this one I love to hate) People in Ann Arbor who heckle me or my friends for dressing goth. Get over it, people! I mean, I don't go around heckling "preppy" people for dressing that way. Why should you heckle me?! I mean, yeah, it's entertaining, but they're so unimaginative with their insults. It's always "Halloween is a long way off!" or "Hail Satan!" I mean, can't you say something like "Whoa! Did the white out factory and the black crayon vat explode on you or something!?" I mean, sure, it'd dumb, but at least it's imaginative, you know?

-People at those little kiosks in the mall that follow you for a little bit trying to get you to buy something. It's like... Okay, if I wanted to buy something from you, I would have stopped, but since I didn't, I don't want anything from you. Go away...

-People who IM you and type IN ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME or talk like they were hit repeatedly with a stupid stick and use netspeak like they are the coolest people ever to walk the face of the planet. "LoL lyke OMGz Rlly?! Did I tell u abut tha gy dat I wurk wit? He sed dat u were rlly sxy + dat he wanted to ask u out 2morro!" Thirteen year olds type like this... You don't want to be like them, do you?

I think I'm done now... There will probably be more stuff later... o.O

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