Name-- Kristilyn
Age-- 15
Location-- North Carolina
Describe yourself in 5 words-- smart, sensible, cute, funny, obsessedwithmusic
hobbies/interests-- Dancing, Swimming, Listening to music, Hanging out with friends, Chilling at home
[ WhAt'S yOuR FaV ]
Color-- pink!
Singers-- kelly clarkson, mariah, celine, i guess all the lead singers in bands
Bands-- maroon 5, yellowcard, tbs, lost prophets
Brand of clothing-- anything that fits well and is cute
TV Shows-- the oc, full house : ) , anything mtv
Movies-- center stage, dirty dancing havana nights, chicago
Famous Person-- reese witherspoon, she is soo pretty and sophisticated, and she manages her job and a family...and hey, who wouldnt want to be married to ryan phillipe?
[ YoUr OpiNiOn On ]
Abortions-- i feel awful for girls who get raped, and they have no choice, but when they are just running around having unprotected sex, its their fault, and abortions should be illegal in those cases.
Gay Marriages-- all for it. no one should be discriminated against like that. its not fair. at all.
Drugs-- stupid stupid stupid. if you want to mess up your life, go ahead.
Eating Disorders-- they are awful, and i really feel bad for people who have one, but i think they should at least talk to someone or try to get help.
Girly Girls-- haha girly girls. plenty of those in the world, myself included. i love being a girly girl!
Boys-- throw rocks at them (can you tell i just got let down??)...but they really are good, they put you in a better mood, when they are nice at least haha.
[ WhY ]
Why do you think you should be accepted?-- i think i should be accepted to help build this community! i love these kinds of communties they are so much fun!
[ ProMoTe ]
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