Dec 23, 2005 21:00

1000 Questions -- The Longest Survey on Bzoink (Good luck!)=>Would you Ever...<=Sacrifice everything for a friend?::Probably not everything. A lover?::Again, probably not everything. Give your life for a friend?::No. A lover?::No. Give your life to save a stranger's?::No. Post yourself having sex up on the Internet?::No. Sell yourself?::No. Have cyber sex?::Done that before. Real sex?::Yes. With who?::How should I know? Geez. I don't have it written in my daily planner or anything. Here's an extra space if you need one::--- Lie to a friend?::I have before. Lie to your parents?::Yes. Lie to a lover?::Yes. Steal from your parents?::No. Hug them in public?::Yes. Blow up your house?::No. Abuse someone?::No. Use someone?::Not likely. Recommend this survey to a friend?::Yes. =>Would you ever Be...<=A fireman?::No. Policeman?::No. Serial killer?::No. Doctor?::No. Surgeon?::No. Prostitute?::No. Playboy model?::No. Writer?::Yes. Artist?::Yes. Musician?::YES! <3 Assassin?::No. Ninja?::Haha, that would be amazing. Soldier?::No. President?::No. Darth Vader?::No. Pilot?::No. Mortician?::No. Forensic scientist?::No. Detective?::It would be neat. Lawyer?::No. Drug-dealer?::No. Pirate?::Haha, Yes. Box-carrier?::No. Store clerk?::No. Banker?::No. Criminal?::No. Target?::No. Professional wrestler?::No. Tennis player?::No. Rapper?::No. Country singer?::No. Pop star?::No. Actor?::Yes. Plastic surgeon?::No. =>Why...<=Is the sky blue?::Due to some molecules or something. I forget the actual scientific facts. Is the world round?::Because it's not flat, of course. Is the world unfair?::Because that's life. Are most people selfish?::Human nature. Impolite?::-Read above- Disrespectful?::-Read above- Conforming?::The need to feel a part of something bigger than ourselves, I guess. -Shrugs- Are there religions?::Because some people just NEED to believe in something so they decide to make something up and follow that. I suppose it gives them comfort. Theories?::Human nature to question things, I suppose. Opinions?::Because we all have different veiws on things. Are humans so intelligent?::We actually aren't. Do we need air?::To live. Pshh. Do we age?::Because our body is growing constantly. Do we die?::Because we were once alive. Can't pigs fly?::Because they don't have wings. -Rolls eyes- Is there cheddar cheese in the world?::Just so you can ask this question. Swiss?::Same as above. American?::Same as above. Are you taking this?::I'm not even sure anymore. =>When was the last Time...<=You brushed your teeth?::2 Hours ago. Took a shower?::This morning. Ate?::3 Hours ago. Drank?::3 Hours ago. Drank an alcoholic beverage?::3 Hours ago. Lol. Took a pill?::This morning. Smoked?::Never. You got your photograph taken?::Not sure. You got caught doing something bad?::Long time. I make sure not to get caught. -Winks- Lol. Had sex?::Never. Dyed your hair?::Never. Hurt someone physically?::Not sure. Hurt someone emotionally?::Not sure. Did your homework?::Two days ago. Hung out with your friends?::Today. Got drunk?::Umm...two months ago. It's been a while. Got high?::Not yet. Said:--- Said:--- Took a survey?::Now, genius. Won a contest?::Been a while. Went out on a date?::Never. Had a strong sexual drive?::Lmfao! Not for a while, thanks. =>Word Association<=Bed.:Sex. (Point blank, geez. Lol) Curtains.:Window. Lights.:Electricity. Music.:Jazz. Candles.:Fire. Closet.:Makingout. Door.:Hanger. Window.:Glass. Onomotapoeia.:Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Dog.:Woof. Cat.:Meow. Egypt.:Mummies. Corey.:Jakobson. Mirror.:Fake. Case.:Detective. Cage.:Society. Cave.:Treasure. Nutella.:Peanut Butter. Bird.:Crow. Bear.:Winnie The Pooh Death.:Dementors. XD Life.:Fate. White.:Black. Black.:White. Personality.:Rare. Pickle.:Green. Dilemna.:Choices. Love.:Lust. Liberal.:Political. Conservative.:Shy. Ball.:Dance. Moderate.:Over Done. Inept.:Useless.
THE END of Part V. The actual end. WOOT!Take this survey | Find more surveys
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That took me AGES to do.
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