Why JM Wants To Go On The BSB Cruise Next Year (not an exhaustive list)
1. Shirtless boys. No,
2. Countless photo opportunities like
this one. Now I want to read a really good Nick/Brian...
3. Q&A questions like this.
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4. BSB singing karaoke with fans. I repeat, BSB SINGING KARAOKE. WITH FANS. Any time you can get AJ singing Like A Virgin, I AM SO THERE.
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Please to also be seeing them sing
Baby Got Back with a fan while still being reasonably appropriate, and watch them all fail at
Bust A Move. Dear Howie, never, ever rap.
They also played a clip of
a new NKOTBSB song. I am equal parts excited and scared for this. Dear AJ and Brian, what's the point of asking people to sing along when we haven't even heard the whole song yet?
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