crushing defeat to hopeful future

Mar 20, 2006 21:15

So over the weekend I found out that UC Santa Barbara didn't accept me. A little dissapointing, but not a major blow ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

not_depressed March 21 2006, 06:00:28 UTC
Hey sorry to hear about your rejections. But it's all for a reason, and it's all for the better, yea?

Like with SDSU. Plus, the people I know who are going to UCSD don't like it. So really, you were spared :P

It's great that you have a first choice you were accepted to. Congratulations. We'll all have to visit each other's schools (the ones we end up enrolling in) sometime, and show them off and brag. lol.


thisgirlsnotazn March 21 2006, 06:15:19 UTC
I'm going to spare you the pity that everyone's been giving (I'm sure), and just say WOOT WOOT SDSU!!! Great party school ;). Rivals SB to be sure... and academic wise it kicks major @ss. <3 you. Eff college admission officers & advisors... I think my next lj post will be about how conniving they are. Can't you just see it now... them sitting in a dusty boardroom... like a million years old and bent over applications with a magnifying glass?


saxshackdan March 21 2006, 06:46:29 UTC
Woah. San Diego State? Rock on!

Honestly, these past few days have seemed like nothing but bad news for everyone. (except carrie, who got into MIT. but i think we can all agree that she can go screw herself. :P) That really sucks about UCSD; I think there's no way you didn't absolutely deserve to get in. :(

But honestly, SDSU? Kicks major ass, like Michelle said. You'll have a much better time at college than any one of us. I'm actually a little jealous...I wish I'd applied there. Quit making me jealous, Ashley. Seriously.

You're hereby forbidden to post about SDSU, because it would make me too jealous.


another_bourgeo March 21 2006, 22:47:28 UTC
I'm sorry you didn't get into your top 2 choices, but you sure seem happy about SDSU, so I'm happy for you =)

We've all had our share of pitfalls, so we can give eachother pity points now =)


speck_of_color March 22 2006, 02:48:26 UTC
yay Ashley, boo UCSD.

that's all i have.


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