NAME; Till.
CONTACT; p l u r k lyckatill | a i m lyckatill.
OTHER CHARACTERS; Turkey (Sadık Adnan) |
CHARACTER NAME; Malik Al-Sayf (مالك السيف)
Assassin's Creed |
MALIK AL-SAYFCANON POINT; I N G A M E | after Altaïr has left Jerusalem the third time to confront Robert de Sable.
AGE; 26 (born 1196AD).
HOUSE; Odin.
R E A S O N: throughout his life Malik could be considered an intellectual, through means of the brotherhood and means of life itself. Even before he was assigned to his level of Dai after the lost of his arm, the point of becoming a master assassin is not only strength but intellect and wisdom, a certain humble nature. Knowing that knowledge holds priority over direct action, he is well aware that without knowledge no action will come and no success will be given. Academically he is well versed even for the situation of his time period, and philosophically his mind relies on these studies as well as the studies and dedication of religion to aid his own growing knowledge of the world. His insight lies beyond simple geographic understanding but also in the knowledge of people, cultures, movements and the aide of vast intellectual concepts which give him strength in the fight of mind and body.
POWER; Ice Magic.
PERSONALITY; A character with a strong personality, Malik possesses a cold nature, immediately assertive and to-the-point. He holds a level or harshness in his words and will not hesitate to speak his mind if necessary. Yet, the intensity of his regard is partially related to the intensity of his beliefs. His devotion and adherence to his principles are beyond question as he keeps strong in his faith towards the creed, the focus of his ideology, and his superiors who taught and raised him in such surmise. As far as the brotherhood of assassins is concerned, Malik holds the creed as rules to live by yet also takes it further in the sub-context of their meaning which to him regards profound significance. Faulting against the rules is something unthinkable and alters the complete meaning of the order. Together, the brotherhood is meant to share their achievements alongside their losses and Malik is selfless in regards to such beliefs.
Delightfully, if not mercilessly sarcastic, Malik holds a bitterness to his mood. Cynical and more than simply temperamental, he maintains a nasty tenor that is often directed to those who have caused reason for his malcontent, which are met often with snide remarks and a reproachful tongue. The astringency of his persona can be blamed from the roots of two events; the loss of his left arm due to the carelessness of a comrade and his avaricious nature and envy of the comrade in question. Though he will be the first to quickly deny the latter. While his attitude fades and alters with the regain of trust, getting on Malik's good-side after you have traveled over the line to his bad-side, is never very easy as he assures it to be a struggle. He is not afraid nor ashamed of being blunt as he is rather open and honest in his opinion on many things, including others.
Yet, a grudge or a seemingly annoyed opinion of another will not halt attempts or orders to conduct business or interaction as he takes his job and himself seriously. No the most personable character, it is not say he cannot be helpful for if one is performing something wrong, he holds no hesitance informing them or correcting them in turn. There is a strictness to his interpretation of his beliefs and how he performs any business or action, expecting others to hold the same level of sobriety in their own exploits.
Alternatively, there is a high level of intelligence to Malik's character, particularly for the time period he is described in and the developing nature of the intellectual world. Well versed in the way of mathematics due to his studies in topography and cartography. He plays a crucial role as an informant and makes it his business to be well-informed himself, to perform his job accurately and without fault. While he is an analytical and logical individual, that does not mean that Malik finds himself above more disreputable thoughts. Wise in thought, voice and action, he knows when to drop his cynicism at more dire situations. His mind moves quickly and rationally, a talent developed throughout his training as an assassin, and even though he ultimately comes to lose the use of his left arm he still is able to move with a great force and deadly precision.
Trained through his lifetime thus far in the method and application of death, Malik can be considered a formidable figure with or without the use of his arm. From an early age those in the guild are taught to observe their surroundings and plan ahead. In a scenario where combat was a must and the training continuous, Malik maintains a firm grasp of abilities and strengths of battle. Having studied under a focus of bladed weapons to the point of near expertise in areas such as the longsword, a short blade and throwing knives, Malik, like all assassins of his time period, sacrificed a great deal in the field of weaponry including his left ring finger to skillfully perform with a hidden blade.
Even with such a focus on combat, the greatest consideration in the assassins' training was concealment. Stealth is regarded as one of the greatest weapons of the assassin and everything about their life entirely should reflect such. From the clothes they wear to where they live, even their stride emphasizes a devotion to concealment. Overall, it is a duty of an assassin to reach their target and stand beside them, before they strike and fade into the crowd as their backdrop. Due to this, maneuverability is another strong focus in training. By the time an assassin reaches the top rank, he is expected to be a master in his art and part of that is an early form of parkour which is widely utilized by the members of the brotherhood. A method of movement, such abilities allowed the assassins to reach areas not normally accessible to man. From scaling a wall to climbing to the highest view points, parkour gives the assassins a significant advantage over any scenario of stealth as well as creates a means of improvised escape if necessary.
After all of the training involved since early childhood, Malik holds a high level of aptitude and artistry in various fields. He is quick in movement and action, while also maintaining the ability to be utterly hushed from simple steps to a full blown sprint. He is well balanced, coordinated, tenacious and in his strength also maintains a high capability of endurance. Alongside his physical talents lies an intense mental structure that is equally as sharp and unyielding, a firm ability to hold to in his profession as Dai.
A graduated scholar of the assassins located within the second tier of the caste, a Rafiq, or Dai, is primarily an information broker, completely focused on providing information on the knowledge of targets and success rates. Placed into the position after his injury, Malik was assigned as the Dai of Jerusalem's Assassins Bureau. As a direct representative of the Imam, who is the exalted spiritual leader of the people, a Dai is considered on the same field as a Rafiq but ultimately recognized as a rank above. Not only responsible for assuring a brother on assignment is directed on the correct path and performs the order appropriately, Dais are accountable for documenting information about an assassination as well as compiling the data from informers stationed around a cities boarders. Such informers are underlings to the authority of their Dai and answer to them, while Dais depend on them to maintain a strong knowledge of proposed targets as they rarely leave the hold of the Bureau.
Each Rafiq or Dai maintains a particular skill or talent; Malik's focuses in cartography and topography along side his skills in teaching philosophy, religious material and overall, the Creed which he knows like the back of his hand as all members of the brotherhood should.
A double threat due to his involvement and rank in the assassins before being relocated to the position of Dai, Malik continues to hold his battle capabilities and speed alongside the wit of his mind even after the loss of his arm. Extremely capable of defending himself, the seemingly handicap holds no issue in performing as he once did, successful in overpowering opponents with an even number of limbs. Using a highly developed perceptive to aid him in a fight, Malik's clever attitude allows countering and evading attacks a simple task alongside his quick feet. While many would consider the loss of a limb an end to physical prowess, Malik finds his own peace in making the future work for him yet, that's not to say a much stronger bitterness has been developed in regards to the scenario. Still, he takes pleasure in the idea that even though previous talents such as his acrobatic expertise might diminish, others develop and he sure as hell can still wield a blade.
p a s t e x a m p l e s|
[written inالعربية | translated to english in the form of a letter.]
Death is certainly not improbable in such a career, it is expected and it is a perpetual threat. Yet on tasks assigned that are assumed to be so simple, apparently that is where the highest danger lurks yet not from sources outside our control but a fool internal, bastard, a son of none and a man that holds no warmth in my heart if warmth was even to exist before. It has been snuffed out by his own cause for his fault has become a heavy weight that cannot be removed in any shape asides his own undoing. How unfortunate that he has been deemed worthy enough to begin anew, to start over again when a life for a life should be considered. How lucky he should consider himself that he is able to be born again when those who never had a chance lie dead beneath the earth.
He is dead, my brother is dead and nor is he simply consider a brother within the order but he born of blood and flesh like mine. Slaughtered before my very eyes even, I watched him bleed and suffer all in the name of a man's ego that seemingly reaches higher than the heavens themselves. How is that this is allowed to perpetuate, that he is able to continue to exist as a living, breathing soul of god when it is clear by his actions he should be rooting in hell, hung by his neck above the fires of torment. Do not call me bitter, brother for it is clear that there is justification within my ire at him. Not only am I without my brother who I keep close to my heart but now they say due to my injury I will be relocated and replaced to an alternative rank, unable to perform my duties as assassin. While it is not completely unwelcome I feel as if I have been cut short from what I desire to be. All this training for naught and even after these turn of events he still has the possibility to supersede me.
Call me ill willed if you must, but consider this. What is the likelihood that he will truly change his ways? If you could have been there to see the way he drove his blade into that innocent as if he mattered nothing in this life to any, you would have been as horrified as I even more to the extent that my departed brother praised his act. Disgusting the influence he holds upon the naive, disgusting how he throws around his superiority as if he would be god himself. I should have not even tried to halt his hand, let him face his own death at the hands of that French devil. His beloved mission failed, my brother dead but that item brought to the masters hands as ordered. Spare nothing, give everything and Kadar has given his life for a piece of gold.
From a sick bed that I desperately wish to flee, most sincere greetings and respect. May safety and peace be amongst you in Damascus.
Malik Al-Sayf
The night seemed to rise faster and faster within the following time. As the summer melted into the autumn months, the weather changed and the desert nights grew a thicker chill that keep a physical and mental frost over the inhabitants of the village and the surrounding area. While the days where still hot, the evenings grew stinging to endure. The winds picked up and blew the dry sand of summer up into the air, causing visibly to be at its lowest during the storms that would consume the entirety of the day and well into night. Masyaf was certainly not spared in natures path, gods anticipated will, and that fading evening was not any different than the rest that came before it. The chill in the air is only to be expected within the unique geographic structure of the lands. The way the sand retains the warmth of the sun is a reminder of day, yet the shade of the night causes a near northerly sensation within the settling air. Perhaps it is the heat of his healing wound that keeps him content in the forecast of the evening, but no matter, Malik walked the roughly carved out paths around the guild without hesitation, a solemn look upon his face but still a grace in his step.
Since the incident, the loss of his arm and his brother have been a heavy weight upon his soul and mind. No longer within his previous ranking, he never hesitated in his newly assigned position, to his placement within the bureau located tracks of land outward. He knows that his focus can be brought to the administration of the city, that he is suited as Dai. Still, Malik feels the entirety of the loss has hit him full force all rather suddenly. Something like falling, losing your breath, but it comes back and all he can feel is the sting of anger.
He would not back down, it was his fault. Altaïr and his brash decisions, his complete disrespect of the creed that caused him this pain and being back at Masayaf, if only to gather remaining orders, only served to remind him of the past. A reminder of course, that he certainly was not wishing upon himself.
So Malik, as he walks away from the built up structure amongst the cliffs moving his steps towards the stables, considers this all silently not expecting his roundabout path to be occupied. He could not remember the wind ever being this harsh, but perhaps the day had been long and his steps seemed to slow for his own liking. So picking up the pace, the dai neared the looming building in the distance hoping only that doors would still be open and his journey could finally come to an end along with the weight of sand he was likely carrying within the folds of his attire.