Series Title: The Harold Budd Inspiration
Title: Speak Not Of A Devil
Author: Halo Son
trunks_angelFandom: Transformers (G1)
Characters/Pairing: Red Alert/Inferno
Genre: General
Rating: PG
cosmicastawayDisclaimer: Don't own Transformers, it all belongs to HasTak
Summary: If only one person sees more, it still makes all the difference.
shafau set me a little challenge; she gave me 80 titles of music by Harold Budd to use as prompts and then my muses did the rest. This series is the result.
Prompt: #34 - Reflected in the Eye of a Dragonfly
"Ah don't care what they say, Red. It ain't true."
"And how would you know what they say isn't true? You've seen quite clearly what I'm like."
"But I've also seen more, so much more."
Arms wrapped gently around the security mech's shoulders, drawing him back against a broad chasis with the intention of giving comfort and safety and to drain away all negative emotions.
"You know I don't see you like they see you."
Red's first instinct was to withdraw from the arms, but Inferno always had a way of making his fears and hurt fade from being an open wound to a dull ache in his spark.
"You're not an overly paranoid or overbearing mech that panics at the least little thing. You're brave, dedicated and passionate and you just want to keep us safe, to protect us."
Red Alert closed his optics briefly, "I know."
"Then why do you never tell 'em? All the time you just let them think and say such negative things about you, even in front of your face! Why do you let them get away with that?"
"Because," Red turned in Inferno's arms and offered him a very rare, warm smile. "You see and you know what no one else does and that's good enough for me. Knowing that you love me for who I am, rather than disliking me for what I appear to be, that's all I need, Inferno. Let the knowledge that I love you in return be enough for you too."
"It is, Red." Inferno kissed his partner tenderly. "It is."