Series Title: The Harold Budd Inspiration
Title: Freefall
Author: Halo Son
trunks_angelFandom: Star Wars (Pre-Episode 1)
Genre: General
Rating: G
cosmicastawayDisclaimer: Don't own none of it (*pouts*), characters and Star Wars universe all belongs to George Lucas.
Summary: His master believed he needed a stronger connection to the Living Force, but probably not like this.
shafau set me a little challenge; she gave me 80 titles of music by Harold Budd to use as prompts and then my muses did the rest. This series is the result.
Prompt: #31 - You and Me Against The Sky
It had seemed like a good idea at the time.
Perhaps one of the most commonly used adages of them all, it had certainly been used often enough during Obi-Wan’s time at the Temple, either by himself or others - strangely though not from the masters. Of course the padawan knew why; such excuses were passed on into the Force by the time a pupil became a Knight (or maybe afterwards, depending on the maturity and experiences of the individual).
And speaking of the Force, as there was little between him and the ground gradually rising up to meet him, Obi-Wan had naught else but to immerse himself within it to aid in slowing the rate of his descent. However, on the planet they had been arriving upon, it was difficult not to lose oneself within the Living Force. The world seemed to be lush within it and perhaps that's why Qui-Gon had chosen this place as their training destination.
As strong as he was in the Unifying Force, Obi-Wan's master believed his padawan needed to find a stronger connection to the Living Force and therefore to gain a good balance between Unifying and Living.
"Remember to keep hold of the moment and always be mindful of the Living Force, Obi-Wan."
In his moment of freefall, Obi-Wan felt a connection to that side of the Force stronger than he had ever felt before; the wind rushing past him gave caution to his inevitable landing, the water of the lake below him glistened with lulling songs that were all to easy to become lost too, the trees upon the banks swayed with indistinct hope for few injuries to be inflicted upon him from his fall, and even the alien creatures below gave pause and offered companionship to let him know that they were with him.
Obi-Wan could've contemplated more had the water not come up upon him (seemingly) so fast. Almost of his own accord, Obi-Wan tucked his knees in and felt himself turning to face the fall directly, stretching out his arms either side of his head and straightening his legs once the turn was complete.
Using the Force to cushion the blow as much as possible, the padawan entered the water in a dive formation, kicking up quite a spray. The Living Force seemed to wait with baited breath for Obi-Wan to surface from the water, the atmosphere stilling as the disturbed water began to settle under the light of the planet's sun once more.
And like a wait upon the edge of a storm, Obi-Wan burst forth from the watery depths of the lake, taking in the air only found on the surface. The moment was gone and the future unfolded as the padawan lifted an arm from the water up towards a shuttle still in the sky. Pressed between two fingers was a small silver bolt, the very same one he’d witnessed Qui-Gon accidentally drop after their transport had hit a rough patch of turbulence.
//I got it, master.//
Despite the words from Qui-Gon coming back over the training bond, (//That was completely reckless of you, Obi-Wan. You still have much to learn.//) Obi-Wan found he couldn't help but smile.