Series Title: The Harold Budd Inspiration
Title: Liaisons Of The Spark
Author: Halo Son
trunks_angelFandom: Transformers
Characters/Pairing: Hound/Mirage
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
cosmicastawayDisclaimer: Don't own Transformers, it belongs to HasTak
Summary: The risk of discovery becomes greater everyday, yet he still goes to him every single time.
shafau set me a little challenge; she gave me 80 titles of music by Harold Budd to use as prompts and then my muses did the rest. This series is the result.
Prompt: #16 - Bell Tower
"Mirage, this is dangerous."
The noble-sparked mech ignored the other's protest and carefully took him by his wrist, leading him up the spiraling steps to the top of the tower. Mirage closed the tower room door after he pulled the tracker inside and turned to the other with a warm smile and fond optics.
"You always like a challenge with a touch of peril, Hound." Mirage replied with an amused tone. "Otherwise you would not have risked so much to be with me already."
"I know, sir, but-"
"Don't call me that!" Mirage's optics flashed and in seconds his face was inches from Hound's. "I've already told you, as far as I'm concerned you are my equal." The sharp atmosphere melted away as Mirage's frame relaxed and he touched the tracker's face tenderly. "Nothing about you is inferior, Hound, no matter what the other nobles say."
Hound leaned his face into the touch, briefly shuttering his optics. "I don't fear for myself, Mirage, I fear for you," he explained with a small sigh. "If the other nobles at the towers found out what we were doing together-"
"They won't, Hound. You and I both have certain friends making sure our tracks are covered," Mirage smiled.
"But if we were discovered?"
"Then I would do everything in my power to keep you. I would rather choose exile than lose you."
Hound's optics widened as he stared at the noble. "But the towers are your life! They're everything!"
"The towers are boring, Hound," Mirage replied. "Maybe once, I would've agreed with you, but after meeting you and seeing the things you've shown me, risking everything and keeping yourself dedicated to me, how could I possibly turn my back on that now?"
Mirage cupped Hound's face and then leaned in to kiss him, pulling the tracker up against his body. Hound responded in kind, wrapping his arms around Mirage's waist as he deepened the kiss.
When the kiss ended, Mirage rested his head against Hound's, both their engines purring. "I love you, Hound."
Hound's smile was reflected in his optics as well as his face, "I love you too, Mirage."
Mirage nuzzled his face against Hound's neck. "Call me 'Raj'," he whispered huskily.
Hound gasped softly, tilting his head to the side. "I love you, Raj."
"Bumblebee, report."
"Ratchet and I took care of everything on our end. No one saw them."
"Good job ma mech. I'll catch ya up later."
After closing his comm. channel, Jazz smiled to himself and glanced at the tower before making himself scarce.