Writers30Days Challenge: Here Unto Eternity

Apr 30, 2011 22:26

Title: Here Unto Eternity
Story: 7 of 15
Theme: Light in the Dark
Character: Eleventh Doctor
Rating: PG
Warnings: No spoilers for season 6

Story written for writers30days Round 1

They wouldn't listen. Honestly? He never expected them to, but still, they wouldn't listen!

How was he supposed to save the universe when no one would listen to him and seal him inside the perfect prison for all eternity? Well, technically he couldn't save it, not now. The universe would slowly melt and fade away all around him until there was nothing.

Literally, there will be nothing. The Earth will never have existed. All the stars and the planets and the galaxies and the cosmos itself will never have been born. The universe will never have existed at all and therefore, life will never have taken its first breath.

The universe will die all around him, like a shockwave but folding inwards instead of spreading outwards, until there's only the Pandorica and he left, lost in the darkness of non-existence, forever doomed to spend infinity trapped inside a prison he can never escape from and will never allow him to die.

A fate far beyond the worst of all evils and all of it to save the universe from him. Oh, how stupid and clever his enemies have been to form an alliance to save the universe, far more stupid and clever than they would ever comprehend.

And he is trapped, indefinitely, until beyond the death of time and space itself, the end.

Or not.

He faintly hears a whirring noise and suddenly there's a streak of light streaming into the perfect prison as the doors begin to slide open and the restraints holding him in the chair release him.

There stands Rory the roman, holding his sonic screwdriver and suddenly things get just that little bit more complicated.

writers 30 days, doctor who, fanfic, eleventh doctor, challenge

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