Again, I was making strange noises all through the episode and my sister told me to shut up :P
- The Master laser-screwdrivers the Doctor to Gollum! Ewww!
- I want Martha and Thomas Milligan to get together. Because Milligan is hot, and Martha deserves to be loved.
- Master/Doctor - their love is so canon. I went awwww when the Master dies in the Doctor's arms. The Doctor was going to keep the Master in the TARDIS and care for him! How sweet the Doctor is when he's with the Master, really. How very, very sweet. Time Lord love.
- Jack misses his team! Torchwood squee! And he is the Face of Boe - I sort of saw it coming (people were speculating), but, well, poor Jack...
- Ooooh Titanic? Wasn't Nine there? Nine/Ten, anyone? Or Eight/Nine/Ten?
This episode is good, but not GOOOOOD. I still think The Parting of the Ways is the best series finale so far. But it caused me to make strange noises, which is good. Squee is good.
...Can I have the Christmas Special now? Pretty please?