Built-in costume accessories
Gliding membranes: These are what give the Flying Squirrel her name. Built into her costume are strong silk membranes that can retract or expand with a push of a button. When fully expanded, these membranes allow Kit to glide from one building to another with relative ease. She can glide very quickly but has limited maneuverability while in midair.
As the gliders are attached to the costume in roughly the same manner as a real flying squirrel's gliding membranes, Kit must have both hands free in order to glide. Carrying anything while gliding requires the use of a special harness. It's currently unknown how much extra weight she can carry and still glide properly.
Static Shoes: Both the Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel have 'Static Shoes' which use a powerful static charge to adhere the shoes' soles to sheer surfaces, thus allowing the user to walk on walls and ceilings. They will only adhere to a surface which is flat and relatively smooth, such as concrete or plaster. The static charge may also be switched to repel off solid surfaces, giving Kit an extra boost while gliding.
Cowl and goggles: In addition to shielding her eyes from the wind when she glides, the Squirrel's goggles also provide her with infrared "night vision." The cowl is wired to administer a painful electric shock to anyone who tries to remove it. It is unknown how Kit turns off the wiring in order to remove the cowl herself. (A girl's got to have some secrets.)
Radio ring: The Panda and the Squirrel each have a two-way radio built into a finger ring, allowing them to communicate across long distances. The rings may also be used as locator beacons in times of emergency.
Utility belt items
Knockout gas: In order to subdue criminals quickly, the Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel use a nerve gas that renders humans unconscious for a short period of time. Our heroes are themselves immune to the gas's effects, due to repeated exposure. The squirrel packs both gas grenades, which will knock out a small group of people quickly, and gas canisters, which take longer to use but will incapacitate a large crowd if necessary.
Flash grenades: Release a burst of bright light when activated, temporarily blinding an opponent.
Grapple gun: Push the trigger to fire the grappling hook, push again to reel in. The standard-issue item favored by non-levitating superheroes throughout the multiverse.
Boomerangs: Throw them and they come back. (What? You expected something else?)
Fingerprint kit
Lock picks
Magic-busting gear
One of the Red Panda's assistants is Dr. Theodore Chronopolis, a historian at the Royal Museum of Toronto who specializes in the study of magical artifacts. Dr. Chronopolis has created a number of devices which operate on "the frequencies of mystical energies," and our heroes make use of these devices when going up against suspected supernatural forces. (For the purposes of RP, we'll assume that the frequencies Dr. C is working with are in roughly the same spectrum as PKE in the Ghostbusters universe.)
Magic-resistant alloy: Dr. Chronopolis has developed a metal alloy which is effectively PKE-opaque, for the purpose of containing potentially dangerous magical artifacts. During his encounter with Mordriel the Malevolent in "Merlin's Tomb," the Red Panda discovered that the alloy has potential as a form of armor against magical attack. The Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel each have a uniform with microfibers of magic-resistant metal woven into the fabric; while wearing them, they are effectively undetectable by magical or supernatural means. (Note that this will only protect against magic senses--our heroes will still be detectable by infrared, radar, or just ordinary vision. Also, the microfiber version of the alloy is not strong enough to protect against direct magical attack.)
Magic tracker: Effectively a crude PKE meter, allowing one to locate strong sources of mystical energy.
PKE flash grenades: Grenades which emit a strong pulse of PKE when activated, temporarily 'blinding' any entity which can sense that spectrum.
Decoy beacons: Emit a steady PKE signature which imitates that of a normal human being. Handy for distracting a supernatural enemy, especially when used in conjunction with the anti-magic suits.
Personal magic shield: A small device which clips onto clothing and, when activated, creates a magic-proof force bubble around one person. It uses up an enormous amount of power, and thus can only be activated for a few minutes at a time.