Merlin: Morgana/Gwen - Rise And Shine [ART]

Apr 17, 2014 18:52

Artwork created for merlinreversebb, originally accompanied by the fic Rise and Shine by lamardeuse, please do check it out and leave her lots of love, she's working like the clappers on this fic to get it done and I really do appreciate it <3

Prompt: "Let me get this straight; Morgana does breakfast tv and Gwen's the glamour model? That can't be right."

Warnings: Some art is mildly not safe for work (covered nudity).

au: modern, era: au, character: morgana (merlin), pairing: gwen/morgana, fandom: merlin, kink: exhibitionism, !challenge (big bang), kink: established relationship, character: gwen (merlin), ~unposted, work: graphics, category: femslash

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