NAME: Erin
AGE: 31 later this month gah.
dizmoIM: erindizmo
E-MAIL: erindizmo @ gmail
RETURNING: Nobody in game now, although I played Snape for like two seconds late last year. XD
CHARACTER NAME: Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman
CHRONOLOGY: Just before continuity blew up. Most recently. Therefore, just after he got his head back on straight in Grounded. XD
CLASS: Hero. I think. Pretty sure
ALTER EGO: Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter. :)
Where to begin with something as daunting as this? Well, the beginning.
Kal-El was born on the planet Krypton, orbiting the large red star Rao, to well-regarded scientist Jor-El and his wife Lara Lor-Van. He was just an infant when his father's research determined that the planet itself was essentially slated for destruction. Despite his warnings, however, nobody else actually believed him, because, you know, why listen to well-regarded scientists about such things? That would be entirely silly. At any rate, in a last-ditch effort, they built a rocket that would get their son the heck out of the way of planetary cataclysm. Thankfully, and against extremely long odds, this actually worked. The baby's rocketship landed on earth, on the outskirts of Smallville, Kansas, and was found by aging childless farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent, who decided to take the baby in, keep him secret, raise him as their own, and name him Clark.
Or as Morrison managed to sum it up in four panels on the first page of All-Star Superman, 'Doomed planet. Desperate scientists. Last hope. Kindly couple.' He is obviously much more elegant and succinct than I am.
He had a relatively normal childhood, or, you know, as relatively normal as it can get when you grow up with ever-increasing superstrength and invulnerability, and then to add to the normal pressures of puberty you get such fun things as, well, flight, and being able to shoot beams of heat from your eyes, oh, and being brought into the future once in a while to meet and work with another group of superhero kids who really look up to you-as-an-adult. Thankfully, though, despite all this weirdness, Clark's adopted parents managed to raise a kid that was actually grounded (metaphorically, of course).
Smallville, however, was never going to be big enough to contain him. After high school, he traveled the world for a while, adjusting more to his powers and saving lives in secret. He then settled in what was going to be known as his home from pretty much there on in. Metropolis, proverbial City of Tomorrow. Realizing that crusading could be done from more than just a superpowered perspective, he got a journalism degree and then really started the next phase of his life in more ways than one, nearly simultaneously. With an eyecatching costume made by his Ma, from the blankets he was found in as an infant, he made his first public forays into superheroics, and pretty much took the city by storm. In the intial media frenzy, the name Superman was bestowed upon him by the Daily Planet's star reporter, Lois Lane. However, she got scooped to thet first official interview by a lucky, wet-behind-the-ears kid right out of college by a guy who walked in to the Planet from the street and handed in the story that would get him employed-- Clark Kent.
Many things happened very quickly after that, and they never really stopped happening. His versatility and his determination caused him to quickly rise to the forefront of the growing ranks of superheroes. He would find friends and allies in both of his lives, and enemies to counter them. Love, and loss, and joy and sadness, and death and life.
The first other hero he would meet, face to face, was one he would end up linked with in many ways, close friendship, bitter argument, simple estrangement, countless people speculating the age-old question of who would win in a fight... Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne. Their methods could hardly be more different, and they didn't exactly get along at first meeting, but working together slowly caused trust to build between them, because their differences, while certainly never destining them to be able to avoid friction, also complemented each other. In the ups and downs of their friendship-- and there have been many, Clark will honestly and happily say that even when he didn't like Bruce very much, he certainly never stopped respecting him. From there, he met more and more of the others working to protect earth, all of whom brought their own strengths to the table, and the logical result occurred. A larger threat brought them together and Earth's heroes, or at least the major ones-- Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, decided to formalize the arrangement, and the Justice League was born, with Superman as a founding member. The League would grow and shrink and grow and its membership would shift-- indeed, Superman himself would not always be in the League, depending on roster shifts, but the legacy the founding members held would hold firm throughout, in one way or another.
Superman was not the entirety of his life, however. Clark, while not being particularly boisterous or eyecatching, was certainly an excellent reporter, and not without friends and allies of his own, from Perry White, his boss, to scrappy redheaded photojournalist Jimmy Olsen... to the woman who arguably did the most out of anyone in his adult life to remind him of his essential humanity, the aforementioned star reporter, Lois Lane. For Clark, it was virtually love at first sight. Admittedly, Lois started out having a fascination-- and infatuation-- with Superman. But he wouldn't take advantage of that, and eventually she grew to like and even rely on her fellow reporter, dorky Clark Kent. And more. They started dating, they started dating seriously... and then Clark proposed. She accepted, and shortly thereafter, not wanting such a large secret hanging over an impending marriage, he told her his secret. The engagement was drawn out, and broken briefly, but some things happen because they're just supposed to, and Clark and Lois did marry, and became, and remain, partners in virtually every sense of the word. Clark will fully admit his smitten, but really, who can blame him?
Nobody is liked by everyone, though. Not even superpowered alien farmboys with a propensity to rescuing kittens from trees-- or would that be superpowered alien threats who have the potential to turn against those whom he was ostensibly protecting? That never stopped being the opinion of some people, notably Lex Luthor, filthy rich industrialist, and briefly President (what the HELL were you THINKING, America?) who was the biggest (and baldest) thing to hit Metropolis until that alien arrived. In Lex Luthor, he certainly found someone who would oppose him at every turn. Nor was Lex the only one. From the Toyman to Brainiac to Mxyzptlk, Superman never found himself free of those who caused others to need the protection he would provide. And he really would give up everything to provide it, as was proven when Doomsday struck. The genetically engineered alien killing machine left a swath of death and destruction across a third of the country, grinding his way through the Justice League like butter, until he got to Metropolis and Superman put his foot down and refused to let him go further. It was an oversized, catastrophic battle that left both combatants weary, beaten down... and both dead. Or at least mostly. Superman would eventually return-- and with very questionable hair. Oh, nineties.
Of course, when you spend a few months dead, you've got to expect some changes when you get back. Like, you know, a teenaged clone. Superboy had been one of a few 'replacements' who stepped in to attempt to fill Superman's very large boots... Superman rather strikingly... did not really have the best interactions with the kid to start off with. Of course, coming back from the dead to find you've been cloned is probably remarkably unsettling, but it's not the clone's fault, not really. After a good chunk of time sadly essentially ignoring him, he got his head together and accepted Superboy into his family-- finally bestowing Kon-El, Conner, with an actual name, and letting him go to Smallville to gain the same benefit of Jonathan and Martha.
Not that his family would end up growing there. Shortly after the end of Luthor's presidency, a girl who had arrived on earth in a meteor would emerge, with Superman's powers, to the shock of many (and the suspicions of Batman The Suspicious). She was Kara Zor-El, Kal-El's older-well-not-anymore cousin who had also managed to be shipped off of Krypton before it was destroyed. Sadly, her lifepod decided to take the scenic route, so she finally arrived just to find the infant cousin she remembered was suddenly twice her age. It also proved to be a very happy occasion, in the end.
The ones already covered notwithstanding, going through every individual event in Clark's life would be fascinating but also really really long, and as amazing (and completely ridiculous) as Superman Blue and his energy containment suit is, the most recent events that effect him going into the City are also going to be among the most important as he is at present. While Superman was fighting him, Brainiac sent a missile to the Kent farm, which exploded. No one was hurt by the missile itself, but Jonathan Kent, sadly, died of a heart attack. The latest of a string of crises happened resulting in the apparent death of Batman (he got better!). The Kryptonian city of Kandor, bottled years before by Brainiac, was restored to full size, and the Kryptonians built themselves a planet on the other side of the sun! Zombies with power rings invaded (yes, creepy). New Krypton and Earth got into a bit of a... well, war, and... New Krypton went the way of its predecessor and got blown up, leaving Kal and Kara once more as the last survivors of their race. Needless to say, this was a great deal of stress for him to deal with, and... Supes decided to go a bit Forrest Gump and walk across the country, while still flying off to deal with crazy emergencies, as usual, such as, for instance, an attack of a pack of Doomsdays, before returning to where he'd left his walk. In costume. Trying to decide if Superman was really necessary (spoiler alert: yes!). He had a number of very interesting encounters with regular people along the way (plus some not-so-regular people. And Bruce. (Told you he got better.) Eventually, he realized that what his friends had been saying to him while on this little journey was pretty much accurate, and that he wouldn't let the destruction that he'd been going through claim yet another victim. Yay, existential crisis over!
.... And then he gets teleported to another reality altogether. Well, at least his entire existence isn't getting rebooted. *ahem*
If you want to sum up Clark's personality in one word, it would be 'nice'. If you wanted two, 'very nice' would probably do it. There's more to him than that, of course. No matter what identity he's putting forward to the world, or what the situation is, he will always do the right thing as he sees it at the time. He can't foresee the consequences of every action, of course, so what he thinks is the right thing may not end up being just that, but he tries.
Nice, yes, but he's not a pushover. Clark Kent, mild-mannered (of course), easygoing, hard worker... still has a backbone. He won't be mean, but he won't just back down to bullies if he can help it. He has a higher tolerance of it directed to himself, but he's not overly inclined to letting other people be harassed. Superman, on the other hand... turn that up to eleven. He has the means to help people and he's determined to do it to the best of his ability. He knows he can't help everyone, but he does the best he can, and frankly is often concerned that he isn't doing enough.
He also tends to be very deliberate in both his words and actions. When, if you're not careful, you could easily cause ridiculous amounts of property damage and accidentally kill people, you're inclined to be careful. To the point where it’s practically second nature even when fighting people who can’t handle his full strength- which is the large majority of people.
None of this means, though, that he’s a complete stick-in-the-mud. He can have a very sly and playful sense of humor when he has a mind to, and isn’t afraid in the least to use it.
Of course, although he holds himself to very high standards, he also tends to be rather understanding of fallibility in others. He is a firm believer in second chances, and with very few exceptions, thinks that it’s possible for even the most hardened criminals and miscreants to change their ways. He really and truly believes in people, from the most to the least important, all down the line. And that, I think, more than his genuine nice-guy-ness really defines who he is as a person.
He's just recovering from a spate of doubt and depression which led him to take that ridiculous cross-country footwalk. But that was covered earlier, and thank GOD the 'recovering' is accurate there. :)
Solar energy absorption typical to Kryptonians under a yellow sun, which leads to such fun capabilities as flight, invulnerability, superspeed and senses, heat vision, cold breath, and the ability to make julienne fries. I kid about that last one, he just buys those in the frozen foods aisle.
[The video turns on to reveal Superman looking thoughtfully at the camera.]
Shifting universes is usually disconcerting enough, but to land in one where you've apparently been before with no memory of it... [He manages a slight, somewhat resigned, smile.] Well, needless to say, that's new. Or possibly not new, but new to my recollection, at least. Strange situation to say the least.
[His smile grows after a thoughtful pause.] Well, nothing for it, I suppose. To anyone I know, well, hi. To anyone I knew and I've forgotten, I'm sure it will be a pleasure meeting you again, and to anyone I haven't met, I look forward to it.
He hovered high above the city, a vantage point not many got to see, and certainly an interesting view for when he bothered to look. That wasn't exactly what he was about this time, though. His eyes were closed, and he was listening. Every city had its own rhythm, in a sense, its own sounds as unique as a fingerprint. The City... it didn't sound like Metropolis, and it wasn't even quite like New York, not exactly. And even when he wasn't actively paying attention to it, he could sense it, like a rock in your shoe or an itchy tag in the back of your shirt. It brought him up here to just listen for a while, to get a better feel for it.
It was for more than just his comfort, though. Getting used to the ebbs and flows of the city's sound would help him realize when something was out of the ordinary, when something was not right and would bear further investigating. Because whatever he did, no matter if he was home or in the most far-flung universe imaginable, he refused to not help, if he were able.
Not that everything requiring help was all that subtle. Shouts for help-- and there was one, right on cue-- sounded much the same anywhere you went. His eyes snapped open and he was streaking toward the scene before the echo faded from his ears. There was, after all, a time for acclimatization, and a time for action.
Oh. And he canonically owns every Metallica album. Which is a thing of beauty.