Title: Dreams
Pairing: one sided Daniel/ John, mentioned John/Anna
Every Morning he wakes to sticky sheets and an aching heart.
He doesn't want to dream, he wants to just shut off his mind the way the strangers did to him occaisionally when they had something to do that they didn't want him to see. He made his choice back when he made the second syringe for John and imprinted Anna. There is no going back from this point.
Besides, John's second child was due any day now and he would never hurt a child by taking it's father away.
Title: Doing Good.
Pairing: one sided Daniel/ John, mentioned John/Anna
Once upon a time there was a man who saved the world.
The doctor with the scarred and twisted form watched him meet the waitress and smiled from the shadows of the city, happy that the hero had someone whos love wasn't tainted by the knowledge of a past like the doctor's own.
As he walked home through still dark alleys he smiled to himself, happy that he had finally done something good after all these years. It didn't even matter that he'd broken his own heart to do so.
Besides, he still had plenty of interesting things left behind by the strangers, he was sure he could find something to remove himself from John's life permanantly.
Title: not disgust
Pairing: preslash Daniel/ John
There is something about the way john looks at him just before he turns and walks away that makes Daniel think that John might not be as disgusted by Daniel's scars as Daniel is. By the time he works up his courage to call out John is already on the bus and it is too late.