Yeah. I know what's going on. It's not in my head. I know I've been betrayed & I can't believe it's taken me till now to see it. I'm back to not trusting. A part of my just zippered closed. Now back to when I had to rip it open
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I actually am a little hurt that X didn't even remember my birthday. X is one of my best friends . . . & Y dosn't call me. Dosn't think to call me. Considering our relationship, that's confusing.
2 days of eating (for my birthday) & my hot bod is all ready packing & out the door. Noooo hot bod stay with me a little longer! I promise I will work out!
Uuuuugggghhh I feel like I skipped childhood or something, & was just THRUST into something running as fast as a whirlpool & as powerful as a tidal wave. I HATE losing control of things. Did I? Why did I? What the fuck. Give yourself credit, Minnie. Keep it together.
Ugh my contacts are sticking to my eyes. Fuck you, marijuana.