The actual application I sent in to Entanglement, for reference:
Your Name: Ashfae
Your Journal:
ashfaeYour Email: ashfae at technicaldetails dot org
Your AIM: nonexistent
Character's Name: Hawke
Character's Fandom: Dragon Age 2
Character's Home Universe: Point you're taking him/her/it from: DA2 post-game.
Method of Arrival on Station: Podded.
Physical Appearance:
The one on the right. Aged about twenty-eight.
Personality: Years ago, Hawke was not a very complex woman. Her goals were simple: protect her family and enjoy herself as much as possible while doing it. Increased responsibilities (which she did not seek but took seriously once they were given to her) and a failure to meet some of them despite trying her hardest have made her more serious, but also more compassionate. She does not believe that any means justify a given end, but can be pragmatic; she tries to do the most good she can but recognizes that it's not always possible to get a good outcome from a given situation. She is unflappable in nearly any circumstances and not inclined to panic. She's inclined to make smartass remarks given an opportunity and will frequently cover up her own feelings with humor. Hawke does by this point have a lot of grief she's not dealing with, as the family have all died or been taken, plus her lover betrayed her in order to start a revolution. Even if she hadn't been podded, she'd be relatively purposeless and alone for the first time in her life, a position she finds at once freeing and daunting, and frankly doesn't yet know how to handle.
Hawke is a natural leader, but recent events have left her uninclined to lead anyone anywhere. She is questioning a number of her principles and her own identity, as all the things she used to define herself have been taken or rendered invalid. It's less doubt or regret holding her back and more that she's just plain exhausted from trying to fix the world and failing, but it's not in her nature to stop moving forward so she keeps going anyway, even though part of her would prefer to stop.
Abilities and Skills: Hawke is entirely human, albeit an exceptionally skilled one. In her own world she's what's called a rogue;
ridc_awesome has similar abilities though different specializations. She has spent her entire life devoted to protecting her family, in particular her younger sister, who had magical abilities that would have led her to be imprisoned if they were found. This goal led Hawke to develop a variety of skills in order to get rid of/get away from trouble: not just fighting, though she uses two daggers formidably, but also lockpicking, making and dealing with traps, and a certain amount of stealth. She also has a keen grasp of strategy/tactics. Although she comes from a medieval society she has the intelligence to apply her old skills to new situations.
In addition, Hawke has (or perhaps belongs to) a large dog called a mabari, named Teo. Mabari are quite large, coming to about waist-high on an average human. They're trained for combat and possess above-average intelligence for an animal. Teo can understand most human speech and will obey commands (though only from Hawke or someone Hawke has told him to trust) and can accomplish a surprising amount for a dog. That said, he is also definitely still a dog, with the usual doggish tendencies to urinate in problematic places, get distracted by new things, and insist on a belly rub at inappropriate moments. Teo is quiet, fiercely protective of his person, and has a sense of humor of his own which you probably would rather he didn't express.
The one thing Hawke can't get used to about living on a space station is...well, space. She's had the concept explained to her, and can grasp the idea that her home was probably another "planet" like the ones described to her, floating in the formlessness of this "space." But to her it's the Void made manifest, and she just hates it. The Void is something for facing after death, if you're not fit to sit by the side of the Maker. It has no business existing in life.
She pushes the thought aside and returns to the task at hand. "This is a knife?" she mutters. "It doesn't look like it would cut butter." She holds it up, skeptical. To her, knives are made of metal. Shiny, sharp, tangible. This is a handle with a button. True, when she presses the button some sort of magical light appears, a good nine inches long and flickering with menace, but still...light? How can light cut anything?
The merchant, clearly thinking she's making an attempt to haggle rather than expressing genuine confusion, pulls an apple from behind the counter and swiftly cuts it into pieces. Hawke raises an eyebrow, impressed; the light-blade had cut through the apple as though it weren't even there. No friction. Hmm. If it could cut through other things like that... The weight--or rather, the lack of it--will take some getting used to. She wouldn't want to use it in a proper fight. But she can already see a number of uses. Her new home is made of strange materials she doesn't even know the names of yet, and it's clear ordinary steel will only go so far. "I'll take it."