I got home from NC last night around 9:30. That was definitely one of the best trips I've ever taken. I had so much fun with dear ol' Rachel. We watched the entire first season of Alias! It was her first time and my second, so it was really fun watching her react to the twists and turns. Yesterday was the best though. We went into an uber-goofy
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Comments 12
mmm.. glad your first day was super.. mine was long... it like we never left... thrown back into it again. senoir year is just another year, but man... will it be long... whoopee, cant wait. (D
you never told me who you have this year... and mme renna is... diff. i dunno. shes like a younger mrs miller on french stereoids... and better looking.
mmm, time to finish my 20 essays... good night, get your work done, like you wouldn't anyway #8'B
and i agree, those blue ones rock lol
the tall one.. and yes, you are short, but not like its a bad thing... it may be better (*wink*) never know
i'm sorry.. i just had to complain to some one....
the tall one
the tall one
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