SN Ep ~ "Clap Your Hands if You Believe" (6x09)

Nov 20, 2010 00:20

cool crop circle!

LOVE the XF beginning! awesome!

cute with the Pinocchio references...Sam's Pinocchio and Dean's Jiminy Cricket. heh.

huh, they switched camera angles when Mr. Brennan was talking to them,... wonder who was watching?

Dean's off to check the crop circle. well, we know that's a bad idea.

what's Dean's ringtone?

bright light on Dean, and... *poof*! uh oh!

and Sam's checking out the waitress. just like Dean would do.

Sam goes to the crop circle... and finds Dean's cell phone. that can't be good.

there's a trailer encampment of UFO-ologists, and Sam checks out some of the literature on "how to get 'em." oh Sam. *sigh* and the cute girl wants to help find Dean.

'nother flash of light, and Dean's back!

well, Sam, that's Dean's way of "research." Dean - way to be a killjoy for Sam there.

Dean thinks he's been gone for an hour, but it's really 4 a.m.... he lost a little bit of time there.

Dean's telling Sam that now that aliens exist, what else exists? and Sam's trying to pick up the waitress. heh.

after a soul-ful discussion, and needing to do research to catch up on a ton of UFO lore, Dean sees some creepy-looking homeless guy at the window but Sam doesn't see it. oh boy. Ben Edlund's mind is really weird....

Space Oddity!!!! i love that song! ok, i'm good.

it's a little ball of light. and Dean goes for his gun. heh.

ok, nuked little balls of light? not so good.

she reminded me of... Sprite? from Legend for a moment, anyway.

Vampire Diaries promo! i can has Dec 2 now?

turns out, while Dean can see all the "eeech" in the microwave, but Sam can't.... Dean tries to explain, and Sam says "i'm not supposed to laugh?" Sam, meantime, asks if she had wings, and Dean gets all suspicious wanting to know why Sam would even thing that. turns out, it's a pretty good lead. "pizza rolled Tinkerbell." heh.

only people who have been taken to their realm and brought back can see them - which explains Dean.
only first-born sons are taken - which explains Dean again.

the lady reminds me of someone... not sure who though.

fairies like cream, but not so fond of iron or silver. and if you spill salt or suger in front of them, they have to count each grain.

they see "the watch guy" loading the back of his car with cream, and Dean goes to investigate... and finds all kinds of little men in the shop... working on things in the back room... "friggin full of Keeblers over here!" LOL.

Sam goes over to talk to "the watch guy" about how he does all that work... did he trade his son to get the fairies to do all that work for him? he says it wasn't like that, he was losing his hands to Parkinson's... couldn't work with his hands anymore, but making watches was all he could do. he doubted the ceremony would work, but it did! and the fairies keep taking first-born sons, they won't stop.

meantime, Dean is being oddly pursued by the creepy-looking homeless fairy dude. when Dean goes to accost his attacker, it turns out he's not a fairy! Sam and Brennan come across Dean getting stuffed into a police car (for assault) - "fight the fairies!"

"son... you are all kinds of messed up." got that right, dude.

Sam and Brennan get the spell book from the safe, Brennan does the spell, and the leprechaun shows up and kills Brennan - it's the UFO dude! once they some, they come to stay. Brennan went back on the deal, now he's dead. Dean's marked as one of them. Wayne knows there's somethine different about Sam - he's "missing a piece." his soul is far away, but not out of reach. Wayne says he can get it back - for a price. Sam says it's locked in a box with the Devil - and Wayne says "your Devil, not mine." he's right - Lucifer isn't the Devil for the fae....there's real magic the fae can do, to slip in the back doors.

Sam: so you're my blue fairy? you can make me a real boy again?
Wayne: when you wish upon a star
Sam: i got a wish. *shoots Wayne with an iron bullet*

back to Dean.... and the creepy-looking homeless fairy dude - who gives Dean a beating, juxtaposed with Wayne and Sam fighting. he spills salt for Wayne to count ("why didn't i think of that earlier?"), and recites a spell. and Dean's creepy-looking homeless fairy dude and Wayne *poof* back to their own realm.

Dean asks if Sam really thought"Lucky Charms" could have given Sam his soul back. Dean was surprise that Sam said no... but Sam said that it was a deal, and when has a deal ever been a good thing? Dean's just trying to figure out how it works in there. but that's very true - when has a deal ever been a good thing for a Winchester?

catch you on December 3rd for the next new one! *woot*

supernatural, spoilers, sn s6, 6x09

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