Challenge 20 - Results

May 29, 2011 13:14

Yikes! It's the weekend - how did that happen! Bet you're waiting on results, eh? Well, wait no longer!

Challenge 20: Blind Man's Bluff

1st Place -

2nd Place -

3rd Place TIE -

Best Crop -

Mod's Choice -

Voting List:

01 - 3+1 = 4
02 -
03 -
04 -
05 -
06 - 5+3 = 8
07 - 3+3+1 = 7
08 -
09 - 3 = 3
10 -
11 - 5 = 5
12 - 5 = 5
13 - 5+3+1+1 = 10
14 - 5+1 = 6
15 -
16 - 1 = 1
17 - 5+3 = 8
18 - 5+5+3+1 = 14
19 -
20 - 1 = 1

Best Crop:

05 - 2 votes
08 - 1 vote
12 - 4 votes
14 - 1 vote

Thanks to everyone who entered and voted! Relevant posts unscreened and banners forthcoming, um, later this weekend! In the meantime - don't forget that Leesa's already posted the next challenge! :)

!results, challenge 20

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