Word Count: 156
Genre: Romance
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Ships?: Larxene/Axel
Characters: Larxene and Axel.
Rating: PG for implied violence.
Spoilers: None!
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any related characters. This was written out of enjoyment of the series, and no profit is being made.
Notes: Done for Prompt #8 in my
un_love_you claim: "I'm cruel." Takes place some time after Larxene joins the Organization.
Happy Larxene/Axel day!
Larxene doesn't leave you dazed. She leaves you bleeding on the ground.
Her kunai are beautiful, really. Buttercup edge blossoming from electric blue hilts. “…wonder if your blood is as yellow as your liver,” she was saying.
The room slows down a bit and he’s able to pick out her blue-green eyes from the haze. “Larxene…”
A dagger thunks into the arena wall next to his left ear. The late night lights swim past his eyes and stitch a grin on his face. “Damn, you’re hot.”
Her laugh beats murderous and sharp on his eardrums. Metal slips past metal and knives in his sleeves no longer hold him up. He hits the ground and she giggles, kneeling down and smiling.
“Oh, my dear little masochist. I’m not hot,” she lets her breath linger hot and heavy on his lips and he leans forward, into it. Her eyelids flutter closed, soft against his. “I’m cruel.”
She turns and saunters out of the empty arena, and his world spins again.
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