Wow, I had underestimated just how not useful this LJ interface is... Unless there's a secret way that I don't know about (and that doesn't involve a mobile device), I can find no way to enter a table, which is how I've presented the Drabble Days prompts for a number of years. Nor can I hit the tab key without going to the Tags field. So...
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Comments 3
that’s perfect. Thank you.
Can you remind me of the word length for the drabbles? Thanks!
It should be under 1000 words:
"Word Count: Historically we had a strict limit of 100-500, but we've loosened that here at AO3, but you still need to keep it under a thousand. And if it's much under 100, I hope there's some good reason like it's a poem or something. :-)"
That's from the "Rules" portion of the profile from last year, after the FAQ portion which can be found here at AO3 (which I'm getting ready to go cannibalize to turn into this year's ;-)).
I should have included that link in the original post, but since you asked, I figured I'd just put it here, LOL...
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