Title: Burning Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Characters/Pairing: Axel/Roxas Word Count: 1724 Rating: PG13 Summary: Axel never expected to find a flame he was afraid of. Then he met Roxas.
GAH. I just...GAH. I have never really gotten properly into this fandom(though I've desperately wanted to), but this reminds me of the days I spent playing 358/2 Days when I got it for Christmas and falling in love with these boys and...just damn. This is awesome, and it really makes me want to finish that game and play all the others and gather as much information about these two as I can. *sigh*
I honestly JUST rediscovered my love for these two, like, three nights ago. XD Don't even remember what it was that brought me back, but...I feel about AkuRoku, and Kingdom Hearts in general, the way you seem to feel about Supernatural. XD It's MY fandom, my actual, legitimate, honest-to-God OTP, and the fact that I can come back to this pair even after two-three years of stagnation...yeah. They're never going to get out of my head. XD
If you haven't played the other games yet, I would say to DEFINITELY play Kingdom Hearts II (mostly because these two aren't even in the first game, lol, though I guess you could consider there to be important background information...XD). But the way these two interact, and the way Axel acts throughout the game, especially, is as good if not better than what we're given in 358/2.
A-also I should probably say that I'm ridiculously happy that you read this and liked it, I-I'm kind of a big fan ^_^;
Wow...I'm touched that you remember me! D: It's been such a long time since I've written anything for this pair...but in the last few days, my love for them hit me like a brick and I haven't been able to stop writing them since. Thanks so much for reading it, and I'm glad you enjoy my work. ^^
Comments 12
I honestly JUST rediscovered my love for these two, like, three nights ago. XD Don't even remember what it was that brought me back, but...I feel about AkuRoku, and Kingdom Hearts in general, the way you seem to feel about Supernatural. XD It's MY fandom, my actual, legitimate, honest-to-God OTP, and the fact that I can come back to this pair even after two-three years of stagnation...yeah. They're never going to get out of my head. XD
If you haven't played the other games yet, I would say to DEFINITELY play Kingdom Hearts II (mostly because these two aren't even in the first game, lol, though I guess you could consider there to be important background information...XD). But the way these two interact, and the way Axel acts throughout the game, especially, is as good if not better than what we're given in 358/2.
A-also I should probably say that I'm ridiculously happy that you read this and liked it, I-I'm kind of a big fan ^_^;
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