All right, the new title of my journal has decided for a little bit of a rant.
In some ways, this rant is a little hypocritical, but there is a reason behind that. Web 2.0 is a joke. People believe that by having interactivity they are communicating, that they are reaching out and creating connections with people, and becoming more "one" with the global consciousness. What a load of crap. I am a firm believer of the G.I.F.T. The Greater Internet wad Theory. Anonymity + Audience + Normal Person = Total wad. Web 2.0 doesn't let you connect with people. It lets you snipe them and be snide and still remain comfortable in your little world. It actually ends up isolating us even more from those around us.
Blogging doesn't help the world. People blog like mad and put out all their thoughts and dreams and then think that everyone who reads them ACTUALLY care about them. Most times, you are lucky if one or two people are reading that actually give a rats behind. You are putting out your heart and soul, well some of us are, and getting back just a bunch of Staedler and Waldorf's commenting on you, like you are a bad performance. And the truth is, some people blogging and posting like that ARE putting on a performance. It is just like those who act out in real life. They want attention, good or bad, so they put up trash and hope someone likes it. They start posting some drivel and expect to be thought of as deep and having a wonderful insight.
Here's the short version.
The world is screwed up.
The planet is sick. (We can't kill it, and we are arrogant buttholes if we think we can. We will die off before it does.)
Those who are supposed to be helping us are just helping themselves.
Its time for a REAL revolution. I am not talking a bunch of people sitting around talking about one, but thousands of people actually getting up and STARTING one. The stars are right for a revolution, and goodness knows the US can use one. Time for a little V for Vendetta. And for those who don't know the history of who Guy Fawkes (the one V's mask was based on) it was said that he was the only man honest about his intentions when he got into Parliament. And that was to blow it up. I am Canadian, and in the war of 1812, we burned down the White House. We are more then happy to help our friends to the south and do it again. Goodness knows you need it.
And now a little music to start off the revolution...
Control by MDFMK (c) 2000
Fight the power and the power will fight back
You're only as good as the system you hack
If you become a problem you will be replaced
Banned, shut down, erased
The world is capsized gone erratic
Constitutional rights have dissolved into static
The truth is based on misinformation
Reality is only a hallucination
The revolution will be synthesized
The revolution will be synthesized
Another decade gone terribly wrong
Affectively effecting generations to come
We only buy into what we can sell
We only want to protect you from yourself
Falling on your face from the media hype
We're busy creating a new stereotype
Amending the story to keep it intact
And make sure that vision accomodates fact
Do you know who owns and controls the station your watching?
Does the truth you know rely on something?
Does it matter?
Does it matter?
The revolution will be synthesized
The revolution will be synthesized
The revolution will be synthesized
Corporate wars versus plastic celebrity
Competing for headlines with pills for verility
Ulterior motives in a shroud secrecy
The holy grail is a mark of supremacy
Killing machines for destruction and mayhem
Can we pity the victims if we don't even know them?
If anything goes wrong we'll blame the middle man
Cause we're not gonna stray from the agenda at hand
Do you know who owns and controls the station you're watching?
Does the truth you know rely on something?
The revolution will be synthesized
The revolution will be synthesized