What is it?
Its WORLD of WARCRAFT! Currently, I am testing it out on free private servers, and am VERY impressed. Impressed enough to actually want to pay for it. Yeah, for me, that is a BIG impressed. Why? Well, spending that much a month on a game is a lot, but when you see the things I have in just the limited free servers, you are more will understand. Anyone else who plays, please let me know, I am seriously thinking of getting a guild together. Here's a couple screen shots from others that clinched it for me.
Spooky Road It was a Dark and Evil Night The game has serious RPG potential, and allows for PVP....looking at it, I am finding it hard to continue with my MUD, simply because so much of what I like is here and more. Oh well, we shall see if the phase passes. If I am still playing the free servers after two months, then I need to just get the pay servers.