The surgery on Friday went well. It took a bit longer than the surgeon expected, cause it was "really stuck" so he kept me over night.
Endometiosis The cyst was and endometiot and it was spread all over with its gooey tendrils. It had attached to bladder and bowel. Teasing it all out was difficult and some did get left. The other ovary and uterous aren't immediately involved but could need to be taken out later. Yes, a bigger and more extensive surgery is possibly in my future.
But.. the doc wants to put me on a medicine which will effectively and entirely shut down my ovary putting me into a chemically induced menopause while giving me progesterone. That might cause the endo to retreat and prevent the need for more surgery.
The gynocologist oncologist (he was the surgeon) said that endo can often be worse than cancer in the way it spreads its gooey tendrils and causes damage.
It hurts when I move, but the pain in my lower abdomen that I had, especially last week, seems to be entirely gone. I am a bundle of pain, but only from the surgery.
Darvoset (or at least the generic of it) is my friend. In the hospital overnight they had me with a PCA (patient controlled anagesic) morphine into my IV. My pain is a little higher on the Darvoset, but I am more ambulatory.
They woke me up in the OR at the completion of the surgery. BRIGHT lights and a tube in my throat that was being taken out but I was gagging on. I remember faint remnents of a dream with some sort of menu selection with Everquest II as one of the selections. I was mewling like a kitten 'cause it HURT and my throat HURT and I was trying to convey that it HURT. And then they gave me the PCA button. Apparently I tried to hit it more often than it would produce 'cause later I heard that there had been more attempts than actual injections. But the pain did go down to managable.
They were kinda worried about me being so sleepy coming out of surgery, but it was more that I was keeping my eyes shut from the BRIGHT.
Now I know what it feels like to have a catheter. EWWW. but it was easier than getting up. They were concerned then about my ability to pee normally and I passed that at the hospital. I was also being asked if I had expelled gas down.. and I finally did when I started writing this.. so I now Pass on that, too. Sheesh.