Dec 01, 2009 00:00

You have stumbeled upon the third branch of TSLDesigns, a small catch all designer community that was originally started in 2001 by Gypsy R. It began as a free site hosted off of Geocities, and has hence grown to a full blown website complete with an array of layouts, icons, banners. . . .etc.

This journal was created in January of '07 to accommodate the growing number of graphics associated with TSLDesigns. This division is currently run by Aya, and is still in it's infancy.

There are obviously rules as to how these graphics can be used, and they are as follows :

1: Do not steal the graphics and go forth to claim them as your own. The designers here spend a lot of time making these things, and we would appreciate it if credit was given where credit is due.

2: NO HOTLINKING, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE! Hotlinking seriously messes up bandwidth, and makes it so other people cannot see the icons and backgrounds.

3: If you save an icon for Livejournal usage please have it link back to either this journal or TSLdesigns. (Done by typing in "by <#lj#user= "tslgraphics_lj"#> just delete the pound symbols)

4: We take requests, and if you'd like to request an image just e-mail preclaruslacuna@gmail.com or nessusmallum@gmail.com with an image, an idea, and all the necessary additions you wish to be added (colors, animated or not, lyrics. . . etc.)

5: There are currently two designers working here - those being Aya and Gypsy. This is obviously not a community, but we encourage users who wish to have there icons under the name of TSL to send their images to the contact e-mails, and we'll get back to you.

6: Commenting is not necessary, however, it is encouraged.

- Aya, Gypsy
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