So I took the SAT's this morning and my head still hurts. There's so much english on it, I hated it. Math went pretty well *knock on wood*. I think it's so stupid how this one test determines where you go to school and affects the rest of your life. It's an aweful, inhumane test! Well I am going to go lay down if my parents let me. Adios
So last night was so fun. First off I saw RENT and Oh my goodness, it was INCREDIBLE. it has the same feel as the actual musical but seeing the facial expressions adds a lot. I was balling like a baby throughout the whole movie. I want to see it again, right now... andale
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Yay, I love this holiday. Finally eating,something I'm good at,is celebrated! So in the spirit of this holiday not being overshadowed by Christmas, here are some things, not limited to, that I'm thankful for
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wow, been a semi-while since I've updated. Not too much to update on. On a negative note... i HATE stupid projects that are pointless and a waiste of time. ex: balloon car STUPID!!! Positive note: thanksgiving is on Thursday and I can't wait to eat my little heart out! well I'll update soon but WAY to tired and have homework to finish up right now
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I just developed 2 cameras today. There are some really cute pictures from going away party/sjv festival mixed with pictures here. How do I put one on livejournal? please help... oh, some are on my facebook account too.
So opening night to my musical was tonight, and all in all it was pretty good. Though it's nothing near to Central's, the experience has been fun and I've met some really nice people. It's so weird to me how different the people in drama are here than back in Wisconsin, let's just say they're less clean. I've been so busy and have a ton more to do
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So I am fully dressed in a lady bug costume surrounded by people only wearing normal clothes... awkward much?... oh YEAH! So the party I was at was costume attiar but got raided so now I'm at this kids house with people I don't know and having nothing else to do so am updating. Musical is on thursday, should be interesting. And lets see not4hing
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