art: the markly duckling (mark/eduardo, prompt 68)

May 01, 2012 22:24

Title: The Markly Duckling
Recipient: oflights
Prompt Number: 68
Characters/Pairings: Mark/Eduardo, Dustin, Chris. And a rubber duck.
Rating/Warnings: G
Disclaimer: This fanwork is based on fictional representations of the characters in The Social Network; I make no claims of ownership of the characters or concepts.
Summary: Once upon a Spring Break Mark squawked, Chris was otherwise occupied, Wardo came to the rescue, and Dustin was right all along.
Notes: Um. This was supposed to be a fairly uncomplicated little fanart to fit oflights's adorable prompt but in the span of two emails it turned into a completely different thing. I owe a fluffy mountain of thanks to A for being a super awesome cheerleader and beta. She was there for the panic and the flailing and the ridiculous duckling picspams. This thing would have never come to life without her ♥ That said, I'd like to point out that I can't write worth beans and, even if A assures me I am okay when it comes to silly stuff, I feel like I should apologize for the 705 words (according to WrittenKitten) featured in this fanwork.

rating: g, fanwork: art, fanwork: fanfic, pairing: mark/eduardo

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