Eduardo/Mark, oral
March 29 2011, 22:50:06 UTC
Wardo sucking off Mark under his desk/in his dorm/in the Palo Alto house/in a bathroom/ANYWHERE. I just want to read about Wardo getting onto his knees and giving excellent head and Mark getting all breathy and thrusty.
Fill: Crumpled 2/2, Eduardo/Mark, blow job under the desk
March 29 2011, 22:53:18 UTC
Eduardo had heard Mark aroused and orgasmic many times now, and he never sounded out of control. His voice, as it was now, was always dry and disinterested; sharp edges lurking at the corners, ready for if (when) he was irritated or impatient
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Mark/Eduardo Little Big Planet H/CfuocotanzerMarch 30 2011, 02:31:52 UTC
Mark gets sick, and to keep him from infecting his staff, someone(your choice) sits him wrapped in bed playing Little Big Planet(or another ridiculously cute game. Hello Kitty Island Adventure?) and Mark, skeptical of such a kiddy, Girly looking game, gets way to into it.
FILL: Mark/Eduardo H/C Part 11/11fuocotanzerMarch 30 2011, 02:34:52 UTC
Mark falls asleep on the couch, curled under a blanket that has lived on the couch since he moved in. It’s not particularly comfortable, but it’s what he’s used to, so he sleeps deeply. He’s awakened late the next morning by Eduardo’s hands, cold and wonderful on his face
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Re: FILL: Mark/Eduardo H/C Part 11/11fuocotanzerMarch 30 2011, 23:25:42 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! And I would love it if you would beta it for me - even if it will take you a while. I know it takes me forever to I really can't ask anyone else to be fast.
And knowledge and tears and chancehope_calarisMarch 30 2011, 22:01:56 UTC
The night that Eduardo returns to Palo Alto, his girlfriend does worse than set a little fire: Christy nearly kills Eduardo. This is exactly the slap in the face Mark needs to get his act together and start acting like something resembling a human being.
Mostly I want Eduardo emotionally and physically scarred and Mark trying to help piece him back together.
OPTIONAL: If you're so inclined, I would love seeing Mark defend Eduardo against Sean's underhanded cruelties--and, of course, going after Christy with everything he has.
Fill: And knowledge and tears and chance [Part 20a/20]hope_calarisMarch 30 2011, 22:07:27 UTC
[Oh my gosh. I'm sooo sorry for the long wait. I hit writer's block and nothing would fit anymore. On top of that homework and family celebrations -- which are awesome, but still --, time flew by. Anyway, here's the last chapter of the story. Hope you enjoy
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Re: Fill: And knowledge and tears and chance [Part 20a/20]uenaApril 5 2011, 10:35:46 UTC
Hier bin ich wieder.
Voller schlechtem Gewissen, weil mir erst vor Kinkas Tür wieder eingefallen ist, dass ich dir dein Pflänzchen hätte mitbringen sollen.
Hoppla. Aber wie dem auch sei ...
“Hey,” Mark says gently and sits down next to Wardo on the bed, so close that they touch. Wardo looks unsure at him before he bends his head again, determined to study his shoes. “I’m not leaving, okay? Been there, done that -- it sucked. So, don’t make me leave again.” “I don’t want you to -- ” Wardo’s head snaps up in horror, then he sees the grin on Mark’s face.
Ein grinsender Mark? Es fällt mir absurd schwer, mir das überhaupt vozustellen. Dabei hab ich den Bengel schon grinsen sehen ... bloß eben nicht in der Mark-Version. Wenn du verstehst, was ich meine ...
Comments 2092
Original prompt here:
Original prompt is here
Thanks for writing and sharing this <3
Mostly I want Eduardo emotionally and physically scarred and Mark trying to help piece him back together.
OPTIONAL: If you're so inclined, I would love seeing Mark defend Eduardo against Sean's underhanded cruelties--and, of course, going after Christy with everything he has.
Voller schlechtem Gewissen, weil mir erst vor Kinkas Tür wieder eingefallen ist, dass ich dir dein Pflänzchen hätte mitbringen sollen.
Hoppla. Aber wie dem auch sei ...
“Hey,” Mark says gently and sits down next to Wardo on the bed, so close that they touch. Wardo looks unsure at him before he bends his head again, determined to study his shoes. “I’m not leaving, okay? Been there, done that -- it sucked. So, don’t make me leave again.”
“I don’t want you to -- ” Wardo’s head snaps up in horror, then he sees the grin on Mark’s face.
Ein grinsender Mark? Es fällt mir absurd schwer, mir das überhaupt vozustellen. Dabei hab ich den Bengel schon grinsen sehen ... bloß eben nicht in der Mark-Version. Wenn du verstehst, was ich meine ...
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I don't have spell check on my microsoft words. My computer is ancient.
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