magician114 claimed my Big Bang, but there are others that are available for claiming still.
In case anybody's interested, Ladies Big Bang, over on Dreamwidth, could use some help. There are still nine projects, including my Sentinel Podfic one, that haven't been claimed.
I'm podficcing four stories featuring women from the Sentinel fandom. Two are completely done, one is recorded and being edited, and the fourth one I haven't started yet, the author wanted to do some sprucing up of the fic first. That one will be the longest to do.
The stories:
Oil and Water ( AU featuring Naomi Sandburg and Alex Barnes, written by Jane Davitt. Completed. Gen, but could be read as pre-femslash. Available in a music and non-music format. 5.03 minutes. (Yeah, it's short but the story is intense)
Forever and Always. ( Featuring Naomi Sandburg, a part of the Pine Crest series written by Rent Girl 2. Completed. Gen for Naomi, mention of a relationship between Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg. Available in a music and non-music format33.3 minutes.
Something Told the Wild Geese ( This is only the first part of the story, featuring Naomi Sandburg. The recording ends at a natural break in the story. Written by Blue Wolf. Complete and will be available in a music and non music format. Het. Warning: Rape scene. It's approximately an hour long.
Maternal Instinct by Autumn Skies. The author's website is gone, but she said she will post the story soon in her LJ
The story is about 14000 words long and mostly features Grace Ellison, Naomi Sandburg is also in the story, but mostly it's about Grace. Probably the podfic will be around two hours long.
How does this work: Well,
this link explains the details, but basically a complement is some other form of the project claimed. This challenge was multi-media, so for example, I did four podfics of stories featuring Women of the Sentinel Fandom (Naomi Sandburg, Grace Ellison, Alex Barnes). So a complement would be along the lines of a meta essay on some topic about the role of women in the show, or how the sentinel-guide bond is shown to be genetic and if you agree or disagree, or the influence their mothers had on Blair and Jim.
Or you could make a fanmix of songs that you feel illustrate a woman character's role in the show.
Or make banners, icons, covers for the audiobook version of the podfics, or other art.
Or rec other stories or art or icons about the women characters.
Or write a story about a woman character for the show (and OFC's are kosher)
The deadline is coming up fast, Aug 31st, (I'm on my last hour of editing, YAY!)
There's been talk about how the Sentinel fandom is declining,(and okay, there aren't as many stories being written as there were ten years ago, but hey, we're still alive and kicking). If you want to help dispel that notion, and maybe expose some new folks to the Sentinel fandom, this would be a great way to do that.