Theme: Shards
Title: Drift
Characters: Fai, Kurogane
"What are you doing," Kurogane grumped, face half-buried in his scarf. Too tired for once to do anything but slump against the snow-laden tree and let Fai's cold fingers twine through his hair. Eyes closed, he half-heartedly rubbed at his injured shoulder, boots nudging the corspe of the huge white hairy... thing that'd attacked them. Normally Fai's touch would have irritated him, but now, wrapped in a fog of exhaustion, all he felt was dozy and almost-- pleased.
For once, Fai didn't answer him. Kurogane slitted his eyes open. Fai's face was sleepily smug, blue eyes focused on Kurogane, making him shift uncomfortably under the scrutiny. Fai snapped another icicle in his gloved hands and dusted the shards through Kurogane's hair. Melted chunks ran icy trails down his scalp and Kurogane gasped. "You...!"
"Kuro-tan, you look like a snow princess," Fai smirked, but his face held none of its usual teasing glee. His eyes were langorous and his lips twisted into a slow smile. Kurogane's backlash was cut off for a split second in- surprise? Something cold spread through his chest and settled there, hard.
Then he grabbed a laughing Fai and shoved him into the snow. He would think about it later.