Welcome to tsubasa_battle, an rpg style lims, for icons from series by CLAMP! (that was a mouthful).. anyway, this community idea was inspired from the somewhat genius idea by
tartankilts over at
ff_kh_battle. The following is some faq's for this place.
Please note this faq is complete, but under construction - it may be changed from time to time.
General Information
So, why is this placed called 'tsubasa_battle'? Why not CLAMP battle?
Simple. Due to the fact that Tsubasa seems to crossover a lot of CLAMP series, it's easier having it named 'tsubasa' battle. It's also for the characters you play as - it stops squabbles if people sign up as ccs!Sakura and someone wants to sign up as trc!Sakura. A lot of characters appear in Tsubasa, so it gives more scope that way.
Does that mean I can only submit icons from Tsubasa Chronicle?
Not at all! Any series by CLAMP is welcomed on your icons. It's only the character you play as that has to be from Tsubasa. Unless I specify otherwise in a challenge, all series are welcomed in your icons.
What do you mean I 'play' as my favourite character?
On your sign-up, you select a character. That character is your identity for the rest of that battle serie - it keeps which icons you made a secret, and is also fun at the same time.
Do I get the abilities of my character?
No. If your character can cast magic, the power is stripped from them upon entering Outo. Same as if your character can't get injured or anything along those lines. This stops people having an unfair advantage over everyone else.
So, can I sign up with anyone out of Tsubasa?
Well, I'll accept anyone as long as they play at least some potential into the plot. If they appear as a cameo and get no dialogue or just the one line, I'm afraid I'm going to be mean and say no.
So, I've got a character. Does that mean I can only submit icons of that character?
No. It's just an identity system, for fun! It keeps your identity secret. You can make icons of any character you like.
Why can't I sign up as Yuuko or Mokona?
Mokona is your guide and takes you to each world, and also finds items for you, so he can't be taken - if he was taken and eliminated, what would happen? Kind of difficult to carry on, then. Yuuko can't be taken because she provides you with magic and items, and also watches out for that pesky villian and other monsters. And provides you with information on them, so really, she can't be taken either. not applicable for round 2
Points system? How does that work?
Everyone starts off with 0 points.
For the first two rounds, no points will be deducted, and no eliminations will happen. This is your time to gain points, and this will happen by ranking - the maximum points I will dish out depends on how many people sign up. Likely it'll be you can gain a maximum of ten points if you place in the first band for both rounds. As usual, there will be three people's choice, one least favourite, and a mod's choice favourite. This will only effect ranking - for example, the three choices could get the same number of points. It all depends.
After that it gets serious. For each round, something like this happens - there will be three people's choice favourites, one least favourite, and a mod's choice favourite (which I will choose). If you get top people's choice, you get three points, as with mod's choice - if you get second people's choice, you get two points. The person who is in third for people's choice will get one point. Everyone else gets a 'negative' according to their rank, and if you're least favourite, you get a 'negative' and loose a point.
People's Choice: 1st - +3
Mod's Choice - +3 (and negative)
People's Choice: 2nd - +2
People's Choice: 3rd - +1
Least Favourite: -1 (and negative)
Did Not Submit: -2 (and negative)
Everyone Else: Negative
What's a 'negative'? How does that work?
Basically, if you're not first/second/third choice or mod's, you won't get any points. But sometimes it's unfair, since there are so many gorgeous icons, so I hope this helps out with it. If you don't get any of these rankings, you will get a 'negative'. This is basically just a '-' sign added to your characters' items. These don't really do anything, but they add up. After three rounds, your negatives will be counted, and the two people with the most will be immediately eliminated. After the first elimination session, round three, it's after every two rounds. Everyone who has more than eight negatives will loose a point. Your 'negatives' are reset after each two elimination sections. For example, elimination set 1 happens, and they reset. Elimination set 2 happens, but you keep the negatives. Elimination 3 set happens, and they are once again reset.
A 'negative', if you're interested, is just a 'bug' in the system. If you have a high amount of negatives, the system will kick you out. This is just an idea I came up with, so don't take me too seriously. XD
Your negatives go by the rank you were placed. For example, if you were 14/25, you will get a 'negative 14'. If you get 4/25, you will get 'negative 4'. They add up after each week - for example, on week one you placed tenth, you would get 'negative 10'. If you placed fifth the next week, your negative total would then be 'negative 15'. If you then got first the week after, your negative count would stay the same.
Also, the rankings for negatives start with the person with the fourth highest points in the group, skipping out the people with mod's choice. Say eighteen people submitted, there would be fifteen negative rankings. If you get mod's, you get the three points, but you also keep the negatives you would have got if you hadn't recieved mods choice.
Each week you will be required to vote for one icon as least favourite, and two as top favourite. The icon mentioned above that gets third is the third icon with most favourites.
Elimination? When does that start?
Elimination will start after round three, then every two rounds after that. So think of it as every odd numbered round apart from round one. If you run out of points, you're instantly ko'ed. Please read the section above on negatives for more information on how you get eliminated.
You're partcipating, right?
Yes, for series two I've decided to participate and see how it goes. Obviously, I will not give myself mod's choice or bribe or whatever, and I will see crits people leave me, but I'm open to improvement so it shouldn't be much of a bother. If things get too confusing I may drop out.
What happens each week?
Each week a monster will be announced that is guarding the feather you are going to retrive before world-hopping. It will have several weaknesses - usually, an icon effect or a lyrical/word theme. It will be immune to certain things, which will gradually get harder and harder as you travel about more worlds.
I'm not going to be able to submit! What should I do?
If you can't submit by the deadline, mention it and I'll try and hold it back. Concidering we are in holiday season during this series, if you mention you're on holiday to me before you go, each time you don't submit you will only loose one point.
Items and Status effects:
Of course there are going to be some status effects, some of which can be cured.
Leg Injury: Your speed is slowed. This means you will only get 2 points for top favourite/mod's choice, and 1 point if you're second. If you're third, you retain your current points. Can be cured with: bandages.
Arm Injury: Your ability to fight decreases. This means you will never get top favourite, so the maximum you can get per round is 2 points (basically you can only get second people's choice and below. So say, you got the amount of points for getting first, but you have an arm injury: you surrender first to the person who's second and they get the three points). If you get mod's choice, again, you'll only get 2 points. Can be cured with a sling.
To gain items: Bandages are common, as are slings. Lucky for you, isn't it. Sometimes, taking part in the draw isn't good for you, so... at least once in a series I will set up a trade post. It's up to you to post there. Status effects remain for the entire series unless you get rid of them.
How can this be an rpg? Tsubasa is a manga, not a game!
Remember Outo? That place where you slept in this egg and 'dreamt' you were part of this game? It's the same here. All participants enter Outo, and choose their character identity - that being one of the Tsuabsa cast. All of you will become fighters of some sort. Except, in the game, you also travel worlds. Each week, there will be the world-hopping chance with Mokona, but each week it will be guarded by a monster. During the week there may be requests or other chances to win points and gain items to cure yourself if you get a status effect put on you. When you run out of points or are eliminated, you are evicted from the game - and will have to wait to the next round to participate.
What's the general rules for icons?
Must be at 100x100 pixels unless I specify otherwise. 40KB is the maximum. Animation, blending, and all the good stuff is allowed unless specified. No fanarts, the images must be genuine. If the icon looks like a fanart, don't be offended if I ask you for a source.
The deadline is Friday evening, at roughly 11:00pm, BRITISH time. This is important to note: I won't be able to hold challenges too well for you, since the next time I can get on is way into the afternoon on the Saturday. So try to get your icons in way before Friday if possible, if you're living on the farthest side of America.
Don't we have skips?
No. If you don't submit, you loose two points, but won't be eliminated. You still get to travel with Mokona. If you have zero points you will be automatically eliminated. If you have the lowest point at the end of an elimination round, you will also be removed. If you are away and need to know a theme ahead of time, contact me and I'll send you the details for the challenge. If you can't submit till late, I'll try to hold the challenge back until you do. If some, dramatic real life issue comes up and is valid to being extreame, you will be excused for the week and only loose 1 point instead of the 2.
How do we get items?
Sometimes often Kero and Suppi fight. Kero gets almighty depressed and nicks all of Suppi's sweets, and Suppi nicks them all back... eventually, Kero and Suppi stumble across an item horde. Kero claims the horde, and he wants you to guess a number between 1 and 18 for an item! Some of them are sweets, some of them aren't. Sweets don't do anything in paticular, except send a rather mad Suppi after you. Sometimes he doesn't have anything at all. What you pick is what you get! And if you eat Suppi's favourite sweet... ouch.
Items Kero will have/find:
Bandages (B) - cures leg injury.
Sling (S) - cures arm injury.
A sweet containing a likeness to Sakura's feather - (RARE) you'll get one point to your total, because really, it is Sakura's feather! Or part of it, at least.
Magic circle charm - you'll be protected from all injuries till the next time Mokona finds items (can only be used once)
Vampire blood (V) - (RARE) slightly creepy, but, you'll recover from all status effects due to speeded healing. If you have status effects, it's used automatically and cannont be reversed. If you don't have any status effects at the time, you get a bottle - HOWEVER, the blood will turn to normal blood three rounds later. So it's your choice to use it or not.
Eraser (E) - all negatives are wiped. Cannot be used on a elimination round.
A cake - He's feeling generous. Watch out though, he might steal it back. This doesn't do anything, though sometimes, there may be a scuffle, and injuries may happen...
Suppi's favourite cake - Well, er, this results in.. SUPPI RED EYE BEAM! from him being jealous, which means you loose a point.
Sometimes Kero and Suppi want to play 'shop' and set up a trade station for you to trade your items.
What do I get if I win?
No idea, to be honest. My best bet is banners, graphics, layouts... good stuff like that. I can make anything you want, really - say you have a site, and need a new layout? I could have a crack at making one for you, or make you a journal header. Something along those lines.
Series one winners recieved:
First Place: Choice of three graphics.
Second Place: Choice of two graphics.
Third Place: Choice of one graphic.
Journal headers and profile headers count for one graphic. Two icons are equivalent to one graphic, so if you place third, for example, you can have two icons or a header. Your choice.