Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury
Part Three: Growth
Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance
Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence)
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others
Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...ONLY
They risked their lives to save him. Now, to save them, he has to risk everything else. Bonds are tested and
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Comments 18
And Ryosuke is clearly avoiding him.. And the rest of the gank.. For a reason that has yet to be known..
Uwaaaah~ Been missing this fic~ Thanks for updating Tsu-chan~ *glomps*
*off to the next chappie*
*runs off to read the next chapter*
Thanks for the update ^_^
And sorry for comment late...been lazy ;-)
No problemo!! =D
Thanx for your support!!
i didn't check for what - a few weeks (sorry for that, btw) - and i got 3 chapters~! *cheers loudly* thank goodness i have my own room now..
Sakura-chan, don't feel guilty~! you're doing your best~! you've been a great help!!
that behaviour really doesn't suit Ryo-chan at all.. it's like they're back to when they still didn't know what happened to him.. well, in a way they really don't..
well, i'm off to the next chapter^^~
I try my best XD
yup, that's exactly how it is...
Thank you for following!
I have to finish all the newer chapters now~ I'll comment on the last chap of this part!!
---Yabu kun I admired you here~
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