Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury
Part Four: Quicksilver
Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance
Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence)
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others
Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...the media, graphics and references to Johhnys is the reason I have this disclaimer.
They risked
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Comments 5
and hikaru...is in trouble..isnt he?
oh and about the poll..i have no idea so i just picked the ones i want to reach to yabu...and ryosuke...
thanks for the update! :)
and good luck with that pile of work :D
Yep...I think his is the scariest experience of them all...well it was in writing at least XD
I commend you for your choice )
Thanks for reading!! and Thank you so much!! :D
I choose Daiki n Inoo :3 just because.
why Yuri isn't with Hikaru? They will make a perfect combi :D Fire n Wind.
Thanks for update :D
Yuri's power won't be of much help where Hikaru is going,it will be more of a problem ;)
Don't worry though they'll get to be a combi for a bit later XD
thanks for reading!!
exams & papers gokurosama!~
Keito gets to shine more now~ XD
I put Hikaru to reach Yabu first!! just cause... lol
thx for update! will be waiting patiently for next one ^^
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