Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury
Part Four: Quicksilver
Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance
Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence)
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others
Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...the media, graphics and references to Johhnys is the reason I have this disclaimer.
They risked
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Comments 16
Omg can't wait for what's next!! :D
thank you for reading! Will update soon! ^.^
His insecurity, sense of self-preservations, feelings for others seem like the only thing that can interfere with his resolve... when he's emotionally stable... he's indestructible XD
Funny, I'm a little like that too...
*clings to u*
For what I've seen, in real life, Ryosuke is such a bundle of power which was restrained by his own doubts and fears.. Not once have I seen him preserved himself for the sake of others.. While in a way it was touching, it was also saddening..
Is beyond glad to know that he had started to fight off those walls little by little lately.. I believe that each member of JUMP had matured and is able to understand each others without an exchange of words.. Thus, further strengthen their bond so they can support each other in a way only they could..
Ah, such a nice story there.. *daydreaming*
And I could totally relate to that one.. One's story is like a mirror of it's writer's mind.. There's nothing weird in finding your own qualities in a character you created.. I know since I'm like that too~ :D
ryosuke is facing off silver again *scared* i hope all goes well *fingers crossed*
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